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Athena roamed around her large backyard with a grin. Loud music vibrated through the ground and voices filled the air. A person stood on every inch of the grass. It was the annual birthday bash for the Samson twins. Everyone was there. At least every kook was, the pouges knew they wouldn't be welcome.

As she walked to refill her cup of punch she caught sight of another girl her age. She had tanned skin and curly brown hair. "What are you doing over here?" Athena asked making the girl look up at her in shock. "Me?"

"Yes, you, silly." She answered with a giggle. "The parties out there." She gestured behind her. The girl scoffed quietly but Athena didn't notice. "I'm working." Finally Athena took notice of The Wreck logo on the girls t-shirt. The restaurant had been hired to cater. "What's your name?" She asked. "Kiara."

Athena pulled the girl out from behind the table. "Well, Kiara, you're much to pretty to be working, come with me." She said as she dragged the girl away. "I have to help my dad." Kiara said with a faint blush, not wanting to be around any kooks more than she had to. "Your dad will be fine."

Kiara rolled her eyes but followed the brunette anyways. The girl intrigued her. Everyone had heard of Athena Samson, but no pogue has actually ever met the girl. Plus, she couldn't deny that the girl looked good in a bikini.

"Guys!" Athena called to a few people who sat around a small table. "This is Kiara." She gestured to the girl with a grin. The light skinned girl gave an awkward wave to the group. She earned a few nods but the people quickly turned back to their poker game.

She was expecting harsh comments and teasing. It was what she always received from kooks. None of them liked that she was rich but acted like she was pogue. But  standing there with Athena, she felt like she actually belonged with them for once.

"We don't bite you know." Apollo, the other Samson twin, spoke up from his chair. A small smile played on his lips at the girls tense appearance. "Don't be mean Pollo, maybe she's just shy." Athena glared at her slightly older brother. 

She turned back to Kiara. "Just ignore him, all he knows is sarcasm." The brunette couldn't help but giggle at her sweet voice. Which was weird, Kiara never giggled. "You play poker?" Athena asked, not noticing the blush on her cheeks. "Not really."

"Me either." Athena agreed with a short sigh. She wanted to make sure the Carrera girl was comfortable. "Wanna go for a swim?" She gestured over to their large pool. Everyone on the island liked to swim, kooks and pogues. "I don't have a swim suit."

Athena snorted at her words. Without warning she pulled off Kiara's t-shirt. "What the hell Athena?" She shouted in embarrassment. "You don't need a swimsuit, now come on." Kiara bit the inside of her cheek.

"Fuck it, I guess." She pulled off her jean shorts before jumping in the pool behind Athena. "Thats the spirit." Athena grinned at the girl. 

After that party Athena and Kiara didn't go more than a day without seeing each other. The Samson girl would roller skate over to The Wreck everyday. Sitting on a barstool from sunrise to sunset, just to see Kiara.

They started dating not long after. Though Kiara never told her friends, scared of the shit the boys would give her. She never even got the chance. As soon as the school year started Athena was sent off to a school on the mainland.

The girls struggled to keep in touch after that. Athena's mother didn't like her talking to people on the island while she was at school. Mainly to keep her as far away from her father as possible, but she didn't know that was the reason.

Kiara didn't expect to speak to the girl ever again. As far as she was concerned she had been completely ghosted by her. That was until she saw a brunette in a familiar red bikini on roller skates, coming towards The Wreck  on the first day of the next summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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GIRLS IN BIKINIS ❇ KIARA CARRERAWhere stories live. Discover now