Live For You

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The sky was stubborn on being in sync with the situation as they morphed into one big pool of heavy rain clouds

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The sky was stubborn on being in sync with the situation as they morphed into one big pool of heavy rain clouds. It matched well with the pitch black dresses and suits everyone wore and the mild breeze did nothing to lighten the already depressing mood. The few people who awaited the rain held their umbrellas high as they crowded around the casket for the concluding prayers.

Yes, it was a funeral, my mother's funeral. I stood at a distance, my eyes focused on the box where in she lay, taking my place. I hardly felt him move near me before my view was cut and now I stared into his face, laced with pity, something that could never help me.

A strike of lightning highlighting his refined features, it was youthful, his skin as it shone pearl white. The sound of the distant thunder and then the downpour, I never flinched anymore, but i couldn't call it an improvement to my scarred behaviour. It all happened fast and before I knew it, he was taking me out of the graveyard, the funeral was over I'd hardly heard the prayers being said, it was time for me to go and yet it felt like time never existed.

"Are you listening to me," what did he say, neither did I follow nor could I bring myself to ask him to repeat. I just stared at him with a blank and unfocused expression.

"I asked if you want me to take you home," he raised his voice against the loud showers as I simply nod my head in return to which I hear him sigh, his eyes softened focused on my tired ones as his silvery bangs hinder my view of his sullen green orbs, ones I'd wished I could adore.

The walk back home seemed to take ages as i walked beside him, hands intertwined together. At last we stop infront of my doorstep, alex turning me around to face him.

"Anna take rest and be safe will you?" I just nod in response again and walk towards the door.


Alex looked at the petite figure of the girl vanish inside the house as he stood there drenched in the rain. His mind raked over the possibility of doing something to help her, the one girl he had felt attracted to, the one he wished to protect and safe keep; worship her for he was sure that's how much he loved her.

And yet to no avail Alex just walked away with his head hung low.
Once inside the house anna was welcomed by the cold air and alluring darkness, if only she could vanish along with it. Anna let herself fall to the cold floor of her living room staring at the wall infront with unfocused eyes.

they will be here anytime now.

In no time tires screeched to a stop outside the house followed by the loud footsteps of people walking up to the door. Anna jumped startled as the door banged hard.

It was time...

"Open up Babe, a deal is a deal remember." Anna flinched at the gruff voice of her father from the other side. Her hands shivered as she held the door knob and opened it slowly.

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