Autumn Outside The Post Office

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The thin strands of hair that were swept away from her face by the soft winds

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The thin strands of hair that were swept away from her face by the soft winds. The gush of the breeze rings a tune, not in rhythm but a melody of nature by her ear.

Autumn just a climate, but lifes' wounds with time. As climate changes so does life. Change a constant reminder of the illusion of permanence.
Eternity a word so beautiful, the meaning sour to the tongue, the constant fear of realisation that-

Eternity is an illusion, a beautiful illusion.

The roads were lone, but the setting sun kept it company, the rays glistening in hues of pink and red. Ripe leafs letting go of their grip, the hold, they hoped would be eternal, on the branch now withering, golden.

She was there, early by half an hour, the young form of love and hope still alive, her eyes said it all. The red of the post box that stood proud by the forlorn building, with its paint faded of age and use, stood as witness to the many love just as similar.

Her lover seemed to be late, an unusual occurrence for a person who valued time. But she let the thought slip away. At times, even the infinite plans humans make are destined to be shattered to dust.

The willow nearby withered away as the wind gushed again and it resembled the hope she held that withered away miserably after dusk turned to nightfall. The mellow pink turned into a chilling purple. The night grew cold like her heart thumping against the spiralling perturbation.

He trod the gravel roads with blood and regret leaking from his veins. What had been a planned departure with his lover ended up with him limping to reach her. The accident hadn't been intentional or was it? The car seemed to rush right into him, like destiny went straight for his heart, breaking it in pain of separation.

Was it a sin to want, to desire basic human pleasures?

This wasn't just humane; he felt the eternal glow of love in her eyes, one which he yearned for right now, everytime he drowned in her deep eyes.

And she, standing in front of his broad frame that almost made her invisible to the world, desired only that, to be swallowed by his passion and the fire of affection that burned with his very pulse. She felt it, he felt it and they knew if not now, what's to come, will always hold their hearts in it.

They were bound to end up together to seal a bond that never existed in singularity. It was a flame that never died.

To meet and to burn in the others passion. To confess and to continue the once said legacy of love they would die apart but be born to regain.

For what was once lost can always be found...

During the autumn outside the post office

During the autumn outside the post office

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WRITTEN : 25 - OCTOBER - 2021

Short but bitter sweet to me
Let me know how u feel

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