parents at hogwarts

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Parents at Hogwarts.

Some of the parents, most of the parents that came were from the wizarding community. There were a few muggle parents interested in seeing the school. this invitation had never been offered before and everyone was intrigued. Especially with the news of the new assistant teacher. A Potter.

Her first class with the parents was potions. Severus lead the class with his usual mono tone voice and juni offered a smile as she helped the students carefully add the right ingredients. The parents watched her more than their children. She wore her little black dress and flats, makeup that made people look her in the eyes and red lips. She had to make a scene. She had to make a splash. Severus didn't know what she was doing but he enjoyed the view as well. After two classes with severus she moved to defense against the dark arts.

Some of the moms of the wizarding world were drooling over lockhart which only added to his already huge ego. But the dad's focus stayed on Potter. Juniper potter. The girl everyone thought died, not seen from for over ten years... lockhart made a show of touching juni's arm as he taught the lesson, juni made an effort to stay away from lockhart. Staying near the children. Helping them with the pixies. Dear Godric why would he pick pixies today! Juni thought. As they swarmed and dive bombed the parents and students alike.

'I got this!' lockhart said trying to get control over the situation but he ended up making everyone fly around. The muggle parents thought it was grand a great show but the wizard parents knew this was not supposed to happen. Especially when they saw junis angry face.

'that imbecile!' juni muttered putting everyone back on their feet and immobilizing the pixies. 'so sorry for that folks!" juni said louder with a big smile. 'defensive magic for you... along with a demonstration of what NOT to do...' she let out a deep breath. Remain calm. Remain calm. 'I think that's all for today. Thank you parents for joining us today. It was so nice to meet you...' she shot lockhart a glare but he just smiled at her happily. Not seeing the anger behind her eyes.

The day couldn't have went by slower. After two classes with lockhart she went back to potions where she remained for the remained of the day. She refused to go back to lockharts class.

'he is a child! Worse than a child sev!' juni said as they went to dinner in the great hall that night. 'sev hes terrible! I don't know why dumbledor hired him at all!'

'he should have just hired you.' Severus told her and she nodded.

'I agree! The only reason I think he didn't just hire me was because he thought I was going to-' die. Her voice dropped off. She was here to stir the pot but she was here temporary as an assistant because dumbledor thought she was going to die once vlodemort came out for her. she shuddered at the thought. Surely dumbeldor wouldn't think that way... but why else have her as an assistant and not the real professor especially when lockhart was so useless!

'Juni?' they were stood in front of the great hall doors. But junis feet refused to move. Her mind racing. 'juni? Are you alright?' when she didn't answer he guided her away from the door. 'maybe I just bring you back to your room... we can eat there... how about that juni?' she snapped out of her trance when she saw Lucius Malfoy, he grinned at her as she passed.

'I have business to attend to sev. Excuse me.' she marched off after him.

'potter.' Lucius said when juni sat down next to draco across from Lucius. 'I heard you were back. I wanted to see for myself.'

'yes. I'm back.'

Severus moved to the staff table as people flocked to juni at the Slytherin table. He watched them debating joining them but dumbledor stopped him.

'let her catch up with old friends.' Albus said patting severus shoulder. Severus knew that Lucius was not her friend, not then and certainly not now.

'draco what do youu think of professor potter?" he still spit out her name like venom juni couldn't help but notice.

'I think shes great!' draco beamed and jjuni smiled down at him before sending Lucius a sweet smile.

'draco is such a sweet boy. So kind and so smart. He actually reminds me of me.' juni said and Lucius tried to keep his face neutral.

'JUNIPER! FUCKING! POTTER!" nott and matheo riddle came marching up and plopping down next to her pushing draco out of the way.

'there are children here, boys' she said referring to their language.

'pish posh, little fuckers should know how to cuss before they make it to the real world.' Nott said grinning.

'hello riddle, its been a while.' Juni said with a flirty smile.

;it sure has been juni... where have you been hiding?' he looked her up and down. Mattheo was tom's cousin. If mattheo was here tom would know about juni's return being real and he would soon show his face.

'oh, here, there and everywhere honey,' she whispered in his ear and he grinned back at her. severus was watching, he held his tongue as he glared across at them.

'Godric i need a drink after today. A real drink. What do you boys say?' Juni asked holding out what she hoped was a very tempting hand. They took it. Pulling her along as they made the trek to diagon ally. Severus and lucius followed suit a long with some of the other parents after bidding their children goodbye and good night.

'Being back at hogwarts makes me remember why i drink' nott said ordering them shots.

'I heard you sang here before term started' riddle whispered in her ear, his lips brushing against her skin. She tried not pull away in disgust. Clearly he didn't remember how things ended between them, but tonight wasn't the night to make a fool out of him.

'Yeah a little sing song juni!' Nott cheered 'do another little sing song for us!'

'You dont want to hear me' juni said looking around. Three shots down.

Then she heard it. People gossiping right there right behind her back them she spun around and they said it right to her face.

'Your life still shit potter?'

'Still all alone?'

'still that broken little train wreck?'

'Your life in pieces?'

'I know that look!' nott said helping her up on the stage.

'Fuck you, fuck you,' she pointed at the people slinging rude words at her, well she could sling em right back. 'fuck you! not you,' she winked at severus 'but everyone else. Im better then ive ever been! She lied.

'Last time I saw your face

You promised we would work this out

Before I walked away

You fed me lies everyday just about

Turn it off turn it off always in my ear tryna talk yourself up and

Come on come on did you really think I'd fall for that one, yeah

Get up get up it's been a month now can you please back off

I guess you were thinking I'd be missing

You you never been so wrong

I'm better than I've ever been yeah

This time I don't care'

'Another one i think. Because y'all deserve it.' Juni barked downing two more shots. Nott and riddle grinned as she took them down. They didnt burn her throat anymore. Not for a long time. Two more down and she started up the music again.

'Do me a favor look at you, look at me

I'm not a hater but do you see what I see

There's no reason you should be fucking me around

Boy behind you there's a line

If you must look now there's no next time

I'm a wanted woman, I'm a wanted woman

IYou're boring me'

Riddle put his phone away after sending the video to his cousin tom. With a message that said she's back.

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