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"Maddie and Mionee!!" 

Madeline Granger hugged her younger sister Hermione as they walked away from their parents, who were waving madly. Hermione was bouncing with excitement, her books slipping from her hands. 

"First year, first year!" She kept on saying. "I wanna be a Hufflepuff!" 

Maddie smiled at Hermione. Maddie was going to be a third year Hufflepuff, and her birthday was actually the next day. Hermione was starting her first year, and she had been raving about it all summer, begging her parents to take her to Diagon Alley for the smallest reasons. 

"Can I get ice cream?" She had asked one day. 

Maddie's mother had ultimately thought that Hermione meant the muggle ice cream shop that was owned by their neighbour, but when Mrs. Granger got her gift card out, Hermione pleaded that they go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley. 

Now that the big day was actually here, Hermione had stopped talking non-stop for once, and was taking in the sights. 

As they approached the Hogwarts Express, Maddie said, "Y'know, Mione, remember Fred and George?"

Hermione frowned. She had never really approved of their pranks, but had agreed they were overall nice people. 

"Of course I do." Hermione said, and they stopped walking. "What about them?" 

"I'm pretty sure that Ron, their brother, is in your year." 

Hermione scrunched up her nose. "I didn't like him." 

Maddie sighed. "Mione, you've only been to the Burrow once. You can't make  a judgement of people based on one visit!" 

"Yes, yes you can." Hermione said seriously. "And I don't like Ronald Weasley." 

Maddie shrugged. "Are you excited to make new friends?" 

"Maddie, I'm almost twelve. You can stop talking to me like I'm a baby." Hermione pointed out. 

"Right, sorry Mione." Maddie said with a smile. 

The train wheels started moving slowly. Maddie's eyes grew wide, and she pulled Hermione's hand. "We have to get on!" 

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, then leapt on to the train platform with Maddie. The train began to move faster right when they had landed. 

"That was close," Maddie said, her heart racing. Hermione nodded. "Do you want me to leave you here, so you can make new friends?" 

Hermione hesitated before nodding confidently. "Yes, please." 

"Bye Mione, good luck!" Maddie waved, as she walked down the corridor and gave her sister an encouraging smile. Hermione waved feebly as she looked around, starting to regret her decision. 


Maddie couldn't find the Weasley twins. She had to have searched the whole train. It had been at least twenty minutes, and she hadn't found a compartment to settle down in. Maddie was done with finding her friends; she just wanted a place to sit. 

Finally, near the end of the train car, she found an empty compartment. Maddie let out a sigh of relief, slid open the door, then sat down. There were a few candy wrappers on the floor, and she crinkled her nose in disgust. 

Maddie leaned back into the cushioned seats, and tried to figure out what to do. She wanted to spend the long train ride with the Weasley twins; they made everything fun.

"Excuse me, this compartment is our- ah!" Came a voice from outside. Maddie, who was startled, her heart beating fast, peeked out and saw two boys who she thought looked familiar, standing outside, talking to each other, looking confused. 

Maddie stood up and slid open the door. 

"Uh- who are you?" The second boy asked. "Me and Cedric were just sitting here." 

The boy seemed to realize something. "Maddie Granger?" 

Maddie found the source of the familiar faces. "Leo Moore. Cedric Diggory?" 

"Ah, you remembered us." Cedric said. "I barely remember you." 

Maddie grimaced. Cedric and Leo were the two most popular boys in her year, maybe apart from the Weasley twins. Obviously they wouldn't remember her, as during the weekdays, she would hang out with her friend Alma Adams, who was quiet and shy, and didn't like being around the loud kids very much. 

"Is this the one you were sitting in?" Maddie asked, crossing her arms. 

"Yeah," Leo said. "Cedric went to the restroom, and I went to find the snack cart lady." 

"You can sit with us, if you want." Cedric offered. "It seems like you can't find Fred and George Weasley."

"I can't." Maddie said sadly. "Actually, I am going to sit here." 

Maddie sat back down, and Cedric and Leo came in. 

There was an awkward silence. 

"Why can't you find your friends?" Leo asked curiously. "They abandon you?" 

Cedric elbowed Leo. 

"My sister and I boarded late." Maddie said, ignoring Leo's last comment. "And all of the compartment's were full." 


Cedric decided to break the awkward atmosphere. "Well, as long as you're here, why don't you introduce yourself?" 


"Why were you talking to Pretty-Boy Diggory?" Fred asked, when they boarded the carriages pulled by the non-existent creatures that would take them to Hogwarts. "We saw you, him, and Leo Moore walking off the train together." 

Maddie rolled her eyes as she sat down across from the Weasley twins.  "I couldn't find you guys, so I sat in their compartment."

"Maddie's trying to get into the popular group," George smirked. Maddie spotted Cedric and Leo trying to board a carriage as well, and waved to them. 


Cedric and Leo heard Maddie, then started coming over to their carriage. 

Fred and George stared at Maddie, their jaws dropped. 

"Seriously, Maddie?" Fred asked, groaning. 

"Yeah, really?" George added. 

Maddie shrugged. "I thought maybe you guys wanted in with the popular group." 

Fred held his hands up. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. We won't do that again." 

"Brilliant!" Maddie said cheerfully. "Oh, sorry. They're still coming." 

Cedric and Leo reached their carriage, and climbed up. 

"Hello Prett- I mean, Cedric." George said. "And Leo." 

"Hi Fred, George." Cedric said politely, whereas Leo just nodded. Cedric sat next to Maddie, while Leo sat next to Fred. 

Fred scooted over closer to his twin. 

Maddie glared at Fred, and Fred reluctantly scooted back to his original seat. 

"So, Maddie, did you say Hermione was being sorted?" George asked. 

"Who's Hermione?" Leo asked. 

"Maddie's younger sister." George said smugly, obviously happy that Leo and Cedric didn't know everything. 

Maddie rolled her eyes again, then smiled to herself. 

She was glad that she had such loyal friends. 

Hey guys! Here's the prologue for my new book! I hope you enjoyed!!! 



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