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If Madeline Granger was serious, she wouldn't want any of the people she cared about joining the dangerous Triwizard Tournament. And Madeline Granger was always serious. So she didn't want anyone she cared about joining the Triwizard Tournament. 

"Freddie, Georgie, cmon, it doesn't sound that fun!" Maddie insisted as they walked through the entrance hall, with George carrying a bottle of the Ageing Potion in his hand. Lee Jordan was walking on the other side of the twins. 

"Yeah, it does, Maddie," Fred replied. "And George and I want to win those thousand Galleons." 

Maddie weighed her options. The twins weren't going to back out, so she might as well go and find Cedric and try and convince him not to join, even if he was of age. And, she kind of wanted to see the effects of the ageing potion on Fred and George.

The truth was, she had made the ageing potion. And she told the twins that one gulp each should do it. What they didn't know was that she altered the recipe, so that when the twins took a gulp, they would age around sixty years, instead of a few. So some laughs were guaranteed. 

The night previous, the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived for the Tournament, and the judge was revealed as the Goblet of Fire. The students had to drop their names into the goblet during the past night and current morning, and then the Goblet would choose on Hallowe'en night, which was in a few hours for Maddie. 

"Okay...good luck then, I'll go and try and persuade Cedric," Maddie said, as she waved goodbye to the twins and Lee. 

Maddie found Cedric and Leo at the back of the Great Hall. Cedric was muttering to himself, while Leo was trying to convince him to just put the stupid piece of paper in the Goblet and be done with it. 

"Psst, Ced!" Maddie whispered to them. Cedric jumped, and Leo held back a laugh. "Oh. Um, hey Maddie!" Cedric said, clearly nervous. "Uh- do you think I should put my name in?" 

"No." Maddie said clearly as Leo confidently said, "Yes." Then they proceeded to glare at each other, which made Cedric even more nervous.

"No, Cedric, what I meant was-" Maddie gritted her teeth. "If this is what you really want, then um. Go ahead and do it!" 

Leo rolled his eyes at Maddie, and luckily Cedric didn't see. 

"Ok, thanks Maddie," Cedric said, and he actually looked more confident. "I will put my name in."

"That's right," Maddie said, fake-encouragingly. "Good luck, Ced!" With that, Maddie stood on her tippy toes, kissing him on the cheek, waved and stuck her tongue out at Leo, then left. 

"Feelings for George Weasley, huh?" Leo said with a smirk once Maddie left. "Oh shut it," Cedric told him. "I'm sure she kisses all her friends and family on the cheek." 

"If you say so."  Leo said. "But she was sure blushing like mad, wasn't she?" 


Maddie watched in fear as the Weasley twins ran into the Great Hall, all eyes on them. Fred and George were grinning from ear to ear with excitement. 

"Ready George?" Fred asked, when they were in front of the Goblet. "Ready, Fred." George replied. 

"Bottoms up!" They said together, then gulped down the potion. Alma stood beside Maddie, who was practically shaking. Was her potion going to succeed in stopping the Weasley twins from joining?

When nothing happened, George's eyes widened, and he ran across the age line. For a second it looked like it had worked- the whole crowd gasped and buzzed excitedly, and Fred whooped and ran in after his twin- but then both of them got shot out of the age line like a rocket, then landed hard on the floor.

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