Chapter 16: She Wants Everything

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Daeva didn't know whether to reach for her pistol or her daggers. While both were lethal, she wasn't sure which would kill Sabine the fastest. After all, she was clearly no ordinary mortal if she could see through Haydn's glamour.

    Speaking of the God, he emerged from the shadows, eyes darkening as he met Sabine's gaze.

    "What do you want from us?" It was Haydn who spoke first, not bothering to waste time with pleasantries.

"You should be thankful that I haven't called my worshippers," she said. "What would the rest of my brethren think if they found you sneaking about?"

"I'm not sure," Daeva said. "But I bet they wouldn't be too happy to find out that you're creating superpowered warriors and hoarding weapons."

Considering all that Sabine was capable of and the weakening effect of the Binding Chains, Daeva had no reason to be so bold. Still, she relished the expression of fear that briefly flickered across the Elysian's face before she quickly composed herself.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "If you're having problems with your head, I'll be glad to fix it. Just like the old days."

An involuntary shiver ran through her body. "Does your better half know about this?" Daeva ignored Sabine's remark, choosing instead to launch a mock interrogation against her.

"It's none of your business," she spat, her red lips twisting into a sneer. "You shouldn't even be here."

And yet for some reason you're choosing to let us stay, Daeva thought. "Then summon your devotees," she retorted. "Have them drag us away."

"I have a better idea," Sabine said. "How about you guys join me?"

Surely she was joking. Daeva made eye contact with Haydn and saw that he was thinking the same thing. But Sabine's smile didn't waver.

She's serious. Daeva frowned. "So there is something going on."

"There may or may not be," Sabine said, gesturing vaguely into the air. "But if there was, it would greatly benefit you."

"Ok," Haydn said, humoring her. "Let's say that hypothetically, you were involved in this conspiracy that would allegedly benefit us. What would that conspiracy be?"

Sabine smiled an infuriating red-lipped smile. "I couldn't tell you. It would ruin the conspiracy. Hypothetically, of course."

"But you would want our help," Daeva said. "Hypothetically, that is."

"Want is a strong word but —"

She doesn't let Sabine finish speaking, cutting her off mid-sentence with a dagger. The blade soared through the air, leaving a small cut on the Elysian's cheek before embedding itself into the wood of the door. Red blood beaded on the cut, resembling intricately carved rubies.

"Let's cut straight to the point," Daeva said. "You need our help and you're plotting something against someone. Tell me what's going on or I might be tempted to leave another cut on your pretty face."

Sabine looked at her, aghast. "You wouldn't dare." She cradled her sliced cheek.

A harsh, barking laugh escaped from Daeva's mouth. She knew a million ways to kill a man and several more on how to torture a person to madness thanks to the Elysians. There was nothing she wouldn't do to make her suffer as she did.

And Sabine sensed this. Her pale porcelain skin grew even paler as another dagger appeared in Daeva's hand.

"Would you bet your life on that?"

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