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The streets of Paris were busy as usual , Children running, couples on dates , street performers and who knows-maybe vampires in the mix. For the past couple days the duo got no information about curse bearers in the area. So instead on relying on Dante, they try to find information as well, but nothing came clear. The two normally walk in silence as the walks are often in the morning, where Noe is half asleep, however walking back to the hotel, Noe is fully awake, most of the time. Which Today he is, to Vanitas's disappointment.

"Hey Vani~" Noe swung his arms as he skipped.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that-what do you want?"

"Too bad cause I'm gonna keep calling you that~" Noe sang

Vanitas groaned, holding his head in his hand, starting to get a headache.

"Just say what you were going to say."

"Right-Why do you always tie your ties in a bow?"

Vanitas went silent, and slowed his walking pace, trying to think of an answer, Noe walked with him, but taking long steps beside his 'friend'. 


"Oh come one-you thought for that long there must be a good answer."

"Well, tough cause there isn't, "Vanitas stopped walking as he looked at Noe who was in the middle of taking a long step forward. "and stop walking like a Moron, everyone is looking."

"I'll stop if you'll tell me the answer~" Hummed Noe, balancing on one foot.

"Urghhh- fine." Vanitas muttered under his breathe.

"Yeyyy~" Noe span around and started to walk normally next to his Boy....'friend'.

"Yeah yeah, dont get used to it." Vanitas lowered his hands from his head and let the coat droop over them.

"The reason why is cause it the only tie I can...well tie, I didn't go to school when I was 12, 13, 14, 15,"His sentence slowly turned into mumbling."-I didn't get to learn anything-I'm lucky to be able to make a sentence with the word: Metaphorically in it."

Noe's eyebrows raised.

"Oh yeah, right...I need to stop asking these type of questions."

"Yeah-You do."



I had this thought ages ago and I tweeted it...I think i didn't have this one shot book when i Thought about it. Oh well the thought came back to me.

I happily made this while listening to the many vanitas no carte character Spotify playlists i made, No like i have a Noe, Vanitas ,Domi , Jeanne , Luna and Riche , who next? Misha-ooh actually i might make a Misha inspired Spotify playlist next, Thanks me! 

If you have any ideas please tell me cause their all becoming boring and have the same concept, Thank you.

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