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The sun poured through the gaps of the buildings, casting rays on light through out the street. Paris was slowly becoming alive, People left their homes and now scatter the city.

Noe like usual, was still fast asleep curling up to his pillow. However Vanitas is not the kind to like sleep. When the sun rose, he waited near his favourite Café shop to open, by now the workers know Vanitas. Now that people were awake, and a appropriate time, the Café opened.

Vanitas got off the bench that he was waiting on and walked over to the café, He sat down at the counter and too his surprise, there was a new worker.

'Great' Thought Vanitas rubbing his temples. 

"Hello welcome to Le Procope," The bright man exclaimed "What may i get for you?" 

Vanitas avoided sighing to make him seem less rude, he didn't want to deal with anyone's bullshit today.

"A black coffee." Vanitas whispered loud enough for the man to hear.

"Ohhhhh~" The man sang. "I was not expecting a person with the looks as you to order something like a black coffee!"

Vanitas just rolled his eyes, while looking at his hands. As the man prepared his coffee, Vanitas felt his eye lids get a bit heavy, it wasn't rare, it normally happens when he stays awake for 3 days straight. Vanitas's bit the inside of his lip and pinched his skin to wake his body up. 

"Ready," The man was pouring the Coffee then stopped. Vanitas stared at the half filled cup, wishing this man would get fired. Before he could even say something about his coffee, the man looked over Vanitas's shoulder, towards the door." It is always nice to see you."

Vanitas didn't want to make himself look creepy, but he was annoyed at the person who interrupted the poring of his coffee, so he twisted his back at the person the man had greeted.

It was a young woman, with Blond hair wrapped into buns at the side of her head. She smiled as she was closing her parasol. "Nice to see you too." She said her skirt swaying back and forth. 

Vanitas sighed then looked at the counter to see the man gone.

'Oh god what now.' Vanitas just wanted to have his coffee while reading the newspaper, having a calm morning , but not today. He turned around once more to the Man kissing his hellos to the girl. Vanitas pretended not to see and turned back to the half pored coffee. Reaching for it, he slowly retreated his hand for a second to think , before taking the jug and the cup to pour it him self. 

Once he finished poring his coffee, he pulled out the daily paper to begin reading it, like an old grandparent.

"Ok to back to your coffee-" The man came back to behind the counter to see the Vanitas had his coffee. "Oh i thought i only pulled your coffee halfway." 

"You did." Vanitas muttered under his breathe.


Then suddenly Vanitas could hear squeaking on a chair next to him; The girl. The girl sat next to him at the counter. Vanitas looked at her, looking like he knocked at deaths door, while the girl smiled, before ordering. He went back to his newspaper, ignoring the two, he saw in the corner of his eye, that the girl was going to talk to him. 

'Oh god just leave me alone.' He suddenly flung the coat over his shoulders, covering his face, leaving a small gap for his hand to grab his coffee. Looking like a scared turtle, The two stared at him.

"How rude." Muttered the lady.

The man worked there agreed, Vanitas didn't care at this point-he just wanted to avoid a conversation.

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