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The rain fell down colliding into blades of grass; the droplets pausing on the surface before being sucked into the dark particles. From grey to pale white clouds, the rain has stopped. Leaving the soil moist and the air humid.

"ah~ The rain has stopped!" Noe sat at the edge of the window, putting his face into the stained glass.

"Uh-" Vanitas snapped back into reality from his book, gazing to the half-blocked window. "So it did."

"Can we go out now?" Noe said, bouncing back onto his bed.

"why would we-nothing would be open and the parks would be muddy."

Noe pouted as he couldn't think of a reasonable come back.

"Oh wait! Vanitas could you sit on this chair." Noe jumped from his bed dragging the chair from the corner to the middle of the room.


"Cause I wanna braid you hair~" Noe blinked innocently, dropping his head on his shoulder like a pleading dog.

"You know the answer, no." 

"Awww, please I'll do anything!" Noe shook his head before looking back at his room mate.



"Mmmm, in that case, alright."

"REALLY?" Noe eyes swirled with stars , as he jumped up and down like a hyper dog.

Vanitas smiled, sitting down on the chair; If he lets Noe braid his hair he could make the vampire do a task he wouldn't normally do in the future in exchange. As Noe looked for things used for hair styling, Vanitas picked up where he last left off in his book.

"A-ah, got it!" Noe walked swaying side to side, putting a hair tie around his wrist, whilst holding a comb.

Twirling Vanitas's hair around his hand Noe started to brush it. Surprisingly his hair was silky and smooth as if he almost cared for his looks.

" wash and care for you hair?"

"No- just every time we go out it manages to get covered in blood, so I wash it."

Noe clicked his tongue. "Ah, makes sense-" He stopped midway. "Be careful head injures are dangerous. " 

Vanitas didn't reply-he gave an eye roll that Noe couldn't have seen since he was behind the human. As Noe continued to brush his hair, Vanitas threw his book to the side of his and looked out the window overlooking Paris, which now was covered in mist. Grabbing Vanitas's hair, Noe began to plait it being ever so gentle in case he pulls on it it ; If he did Vanitas would never let him touch his hair again. 

Music from the streets of Paris leaked through the cracks of the window, flooding the room with a soothing noise. Instead of being annoyed, Vanitas started to hum with the tune of the music, making Noe jump, he never expecting that Vanitas would drop his guard so much that he started to enjoy himself. The hum slowly turned into singing.

"Take me home where I belong-I got no other place to go~" Vanitas's voice was remarkably good, making Noe freeze in astonishment.

Shaking it off, he continued the braid enjoying every moment. Eventually Noe reached the point where there was no hair left to braid. Reaching for a small blue bow, Vanitas stopped singing, noticing that Noe was done. Clipping the bow to the end of the braid, hiding the hair tie- Noe stretched, yawning.


"Ah, finally-  You took so long."

"Yeah~" Noe's giggle had a hint of mischief, alerting Vanitas that somethings wrong.

"Oh dear- what have you done?" Vanitas reached for his cloak, before slumping it on his shoulders.

"Nothing~" Noe sang, fixing his own hair." I wanna see how well I've done- Lets go to mademoiselle Amelia!"

"Oh fine, I dont care-" Vanitas walked to the door, reaching for the knob-


Vanitas's head collided with the door.

"Oh I'm sorry Vanitas, forgive me I didn't know that you were there." Amelia bowed multiple times, asking for forgiveness whilst Vanitas walked back, rubbing his fore head. 

"ah- Amelia perfect! oh but Its ok, I'm sure Vanitas didn't feel anything." Giving a quick glance at Vanitas who was simultaneously giving Noe a death stare and rubbing his head." What may bring you to our room?"

"I was bringing you two some snacks." With that said she placed a tray full of food on the bed-side table, her dress lagging behind her as she walked.

"Oooo- thank you, oh and I must ask you opinion on something!" Noe reached for a freshy baked croissant on the tray. 

" Of course, what is it monsieur Noe?" 

"Well...I did Vanitas's hair in a braid- I would like you to rate it." Noe's voice was partly muffled from eating, but it was audible enough to understand.

"Oh you did? Lets see!" Amelia brought her hands together, intertwining her fingers.

Vanitas sighed, why was he being used a model? He turned around, still having a throbbing pain in his head from the door, thanks to it- he now has a head ache.

"Wowww~ monsieur Noe you did this? Its perfect! " Amelia gasped covering her mouth.

"Really! Thanks its my first time in ages." Noe rubbed the side of his neck, pleased.

"In ages? That's amazing- Could you do my hair next?"

"Sure! I'm more then happy to help!"

Vanitas sat down on Noe's bed resting his head on his hands as he looked into the corner, drifting off in thought about who knows what.

shortly After the conversation with the two vampires ended, Amelia had to get back to her job at the hotel.

"Bye mademoiselle Amelia~ see you, tomorrow~" Noe shut the door, happy with him self.

"What's on the tray that she brought in?" Vanitas yawned, Still looking at the corner; like something was there.

"Oh- just croissants,  sandwiches-"

"pass me a sandwich."

"Ok-dont get crumbs on my bed, it makes it itchy."

Vanitas reached for Noe's hand which had the sandwich, and bit into it making crumbs on purpose.

"Hey-Vanitas!" Noe's looked like he was about to throw a fit.

"M-wahahaha!" Vanitas tired to do a evil laugh, but it became muffled through the food he was chewing.

"Hey come here!"

For the next couple minutes they ran around the room chasing each other. Laughing. As if they were children once again.

Vanitas no carte one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now