『 Chapter 33: For The Dancing and The Dreaming 』

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Stoick started whistling a familiar tune, one that you had heard at the feasts in the Great Hall before. If you remembered correctly it was called For the Dancing and the Dreaming. You pulled Hiccup over to the fire and the two of you sat down, Rainsong and Toothless were cuddled up into a cinnamon roll shape sitting next to the fire.

"Oh, I love this one." Gobber let out a sigh while Stoick continued whistling.

Stoick stepped over to the woman and carefully took the gourd away from her hands, "Remember our song, Val?" He asked as she leaned against the table, "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me. No scorching sun, Nor freezing cold-♪" You felt Hiccup caress your hand lightly, "♪Will stop...-" Stoick was interrupted by Gobber who started singing startling everyone and the dragons.

"♪Will stop me on my jour...♪" He realized that everyone was looking at him and stopped quickly, "♪...ney.♪ Sorry." He chuckled nervously.

Stoick turned back to his wife, "♪If you will promise me your heart ♪" Stoick took ahold of his wife's hand, "♪And love..." He noticed her lack of response and let out a sigh before turning away slightly.

"♪And love me for eternity ♪" Valka carefully responded. Stoick's eyes widened happily and you tightened your grip on Hiccup's hand, "♪My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astounds me. But I've no need of mighty deeds-♪" She put her arm up and Stoick did the same thing, both of the two doing a dance that seemed familiar, "♪When I feel your arms around me ♪"

Stoick started singing too, their dancing getting faster, "♪But I would bring you rings of gold, and even sing you poetry ♪" He spun his wife around, "♪And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me ♪"

"♪I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold I only want you near me ♪" The two started singing together while spinning, Gobber started "dancing" and you swayed back and forth, "♪To love and kiss, to sweetly hold. For the dancing and the dreaming, through all my sorrows-♪" Gobber reached over and picked up you and Hiccup spinning the two of you around.

"Come on Hiccup and (Y/N)!" Gobber quickly let the two of you go and you and Hiccup grabbed each other's hand and spun around, laughing as the group of you danced together until finally, the song was over with its final words.

"♪If you will marry me!♪" As soon as the song ended you chuckled turning towards Hiccup whose eyes were glued to you. He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, "Will you?" He asked causing you to lean back. You tilted your head.

"What?" You asked.

Hiccup pressed his forehead against yours, "Will you marry me?" Your jaw went slack as you understood what he was saying, noticing your hesitance he grew nervous, "I know now isn't a good time and we can wait but I just- we don't have that much-"

You pressed a sudden kiss to his lips, shutting him up, "Yes, Hiccup. I will marry you." The room went silent every one turned towards the two of you before smiles broke out on their faces. Stoick then turned towards Valka.

"And on that note... Will you come home, Val?" Stoick asked his wife, "Will you be my wife once again?" Toothless then walked up behind Valka and pushed her into Stoick causing them to laugh. Taking your hand, Hiccup pulled you over to the group, "We could be a family! What do you say?" He asked, wrapping his arm around Hiccup.

Valka smiled, "Well..." Toothless poked his head into the middle of the group causing Valka to laugh, "Yes..." She laughed. Gobbed jumped over and put his arms around everyone.

"Great! I'll do the cooking." He said, causing laughter to ripple through the room.

Stoick turned to the two of you, "Thank Odin you didn't listen to me son and thank you for not persuading him to listen to me. We never would've found each other." Everyone started wandering off in their own direction, but you noticed the dragons looking nervously towards one of the open "windows".

"Toothless?" Hiccup called. You watched as dragons frantically flew by, "What's happening?" Hiccup asked, tightening his grip on your hand and pulling you closer to him.

Suddenly a loud explosion went off and you could hear the sound of ice cracking. A few more explosions followed. Valka suddenly shot off in one direction. You and the others followed quickly, the cave lead to an ice spike that overlooked the outside. There were hundreds of ships surrounding the nest.

"Oh no..." Hiccup said, looking down at them all. Valka then turned around and walked back into the cave, followed by Stoick.

"Val-" Stoick called. You took one last look before being pulled inside by Hiccup, "Val, it's all right, it's all right." Stoick tried to reassure her, "We're a team now, now what do you want to do."

Valka turned to look at the group of you before back at Stoick, "We have to save the dragons."

"Aye, you got it." Stoick agreed, "Come on kids." He said gesturing you all inside.

The group of you quickly hopped on your dragons, you and Hiccup were the last. The boy pressed a quick kiss on your lips before taking your face in his hands, "Be careful out there." You said softly.

"I could say the same to you." He responded. Rainsong nudged you and let out a small growl, telling you to get on. You turned towards the dragon and hopped on her, patting her neck. The five of you flew out of the cave. You caught sight of the other dragon riders and wondered how they got there but there wasn't much time to think before you flew down and shot a few traps, letting dragons free.

You and Hiccup seemed to share a thought and flew up to Astrid, noticing that there was another person, Eret son of Eret, on her dragon with her, "Wow- welcome aboard dragon rider!" You said chuckling before sending a smirk to Astrid and winking. She let out a scoff and rolled her eyes, her face slightly going red.

"Uh- thanks. I think." Eret responded.

Astrid turned to Hiccup and then looked back at you, "Where have you been?" She asked.

"Oh, you know, catching up with my future mother-in-law." You sent a smile over to Hiccup.

Astrid gasped, "First of all CONGRATULATIONS!" She exclaimed before looking up to where you gestured, "Second of all, that's your mother?!" She turned back to Hiccup, and her jaw dropped.

Hiccup chuckled, "Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair." He tipped his helmet down and flew off to the side. You shrugged and followed quickly, getting out of the way of the fight that would probably happen soon.

The Alpha spit ice leveling ships and throwing people into the air. Valka swung around her staff pointing to where the dragons should go. You and Rainsong blasted several more traps and some weapons, hopefully causing detriment to their battle tactics. A few Zipplebacks got caught under a snap trap and you and Rainsong quickly blasted at the bearings, causing the whole thing to fall apart. The Zipplebacks were set free and made sure to get far away.

You looked over at Hiccup and watched him fight off a couple of dragons, quickly your eyes were drawn to Valka who grabbed a dragon and pulled it off of one of her own. She turned and was quickly trapped by a net trap and fell to the ground. Your eyes widened as she fell to the ground, you quickly followed landing Rainsong and running toward Valka who had gotten up, and a very bulky man who was standing in front of her. 

"You can not take our dragons!" Valka said, lunging towards him, "They are controlled by the Alpha!" The man blocked her hits quite a few times before backing up. You finally got over to Valka and stood next to her, placing your hand on her shoulder and pulling out your spear.

"Then it's a good thing I brought a challenger." He turned around and swung his spear in the air while screaming. Valka's stance dropped as she stared at the water under the ships. The waves rippled and the ships were lifted out of the water before toppling under. Large spines pricked out of the water as a humongous dragon raised its head out of the water.

It was a Bewilderbeast.

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