Chapter 11

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Art above belongs to original owner.

__Kaminaris pov:__
Kirishima and Denki walked over to Kaminaris room.

"Okay, stay here. I'm going to grab a sleeping bag from my room real quick then we can go to bed." Kirishima said smiling at Denki.

Denki nodded and Kirishima left the room.

"Time to snoop my own room" he mumbled.

Then started at his dresser.

Clothes, pants, socks and jewelry? Why is there necklaces?
" that's weird" Denki thought putting it away after putting on one of the necklaces.

He turned to the closest, which was filled with jackets and hoodies, there was a box with school supplies... Are they going to make him do homework??? That'll suckkkkk.

"Why are all the clothes to big for me" he said out loud realizing that everything in here was probably for someone around the shark guys age.

He wondered over to the desk in the corner.. if the school supplies are in the closet then what's in the desk?

He opened the first drawer and found a bunch of notebooks; he opened the first notebook to find sketches.

Some of the sketches were of the tired guy, probably doodles from a class of whoever owned this notebook.
Some were of the shark guy, the angry guy, the pink girl and that one guy with weird elbows...
Some were of The earphone girl, the nice girl and the weird purple hair guy that still hasn't come back... unless he has, but Denki was sleeping....

They won't terrible but he still didn't like them...
(Kaminari can draw! Proof:

(Kaminari can draw! Proof:

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He put the notebooks back, he didn't feel like going through them all.

He opened the 2nd shelf.
There were photo albums, Denki opened one...

"Wha-" he said quietly staring at the first picture...

The photo had both the shark guy and pink girl smiling with another guy that looked like Denki but... older? They were at a mall eating ice cream.

"Wait what?" Denki said confused but then he remembered something....

Denki had a big spoon full of ice cream in his mouth which caused him to get a brain freeze.
"Ack! Brain freeze!" He said and Ashido started laughing.
Kirishima stared at the two with a funny expression.

" What? Never had a brain freeze before? Mister... I've had every single ice cream flavor in this store before." Denki asked finally, after he recovered from his ice cream experience.

"It's true! I've been here wayyyy to many times, man." Kirishima said smiling brightly as Ashido made a shrieking sound.
"Brain freeze!" She said and then Denki snorted.

"You guys share a brain, I swear!" Kirishima said laughing.

"Let's take a selfie!" Denki suggested.
"Before the others get back"

"Yea!" Ashido agreed.

Denki took out his phone (I seriously just wrote face instead of phone-) and put out enough to get everyone in the picture.

"There!" He said as Bakugo, Sero and Jirou made there way over.

"Oi! Let's get going extras!" Bakugo said as Kirishima quickly scarfed down his ice cream.

"Yea let's, kacchan..." Denki said and Bakugo let's small explosions out from his palms.
"I told you not to call me that, Dunce face!" He yelled as they exited the store....

"Whao... I remember that... but that didn't happen.... That's not me, I'm 6.." Denki said putting the album away...

He looked over at the other albums...

"I'll look at you in a bit, I wanna finish snooping everything else first... And shark guys taking forever..."

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