Sickening You

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Why? Why is this always the question? Why? Why was I created? Why do I exist? Why was I important? Why did they love me? Why did they hate me? Why did I die?

??? POV:

I rolled in my bed staring at the ceiling bored of my monotonous life. I pulled my sheets over my face and groaned. I tossed and turned not being able to fall asleep. My eyes hung low from my lack of sleep. I haven't slept in three days. My eyes were red and puffy with very visible eyebags.

"Good morning!" My mom yelled as she opened my door letting the light in. She flipped my light switch as I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Wake up we have to go!" I hear my sister yell in the background. "Where would we possibly need to go?" "I finished high school and all my friends are off to college." My mom and sister laughed in amusement as they both said "You'll see!"

After I shoo them away to get changed I put on some clean clothes and put on my mask and glasses.

I rush down the stairs ready to get this over with already. "So you're not going to eat breakfast?" My sister questioned looking at me. I held the bridge of my nose in annoyance and asked "Is dad home yet?" "No, sorry, Mark!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I and my sister stood by the front door waiting for our mom to hurry up. My mom at the time was looking frantically all over the house for her wallet. "Mom, did you check upstairs?" My sister yelled. "No, I'll go check!" My mom said while running up the stairs.

"So what are we doing again?" I said slightly annoyed "We're going shopping!" She grinned as she said that. "Shopping for what?" She looked at me as she grinned mischievously. "For a friend..." She said as she dragged out the d. "It's not another one of your boyfriends is it?" She quickly became flustered and punched me in the gut "SHut uP!" She yelled, having a slight voice crack "ow." That was all I said in response.

"I found it!" My mom yelled from upstairs as she trotted downstairs. I opened the front door letting the two out as I quickly followed behind. Once we got in the car and drove off I looked out the window only seeing advertisements for this new program thing called ENA.

I heard my sister talk about it before. It's this thing that will be your 'friend'. It's just a servant though. Nothing special about it. It'll just do everything for you and just follow you around. Just a worthless AI that can't think for itself. Just something looking for someone to follow, it'll never be honest with you, it won't give you advice or comfort. It just compliments you. How boring.

"We're here!" We stopped at ENA LABS. My sister grinned widely and my mom just started staring at me.

"Lilian, this is a lot just for another one of your boyfriends." Lilian laughed and said, "It's not for my boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes knowing she was probably lying. My mom chuckled in amusement. "So..are we gonna get out of the car or not?"

We all got out of the car and started walking. On the outside of ENA LABS, it just looked like a Best Buy but with a different logo. Whenever we walked inside you were immediately greeted by one of their mindless henchmen. We walked around looking at monitors, PCs, TVs, and more of their mindless henchmen on display. My sister walked around amazed by all the tech that surrounded her. My mom just smiled at her every time she would say "WOW!"

"Mark, you know your friends are all out of town or live in a different country." She said referring to Tommy and Tubbo. "We decided it would be best for you to get a friend for the summer." This piqued my interest as I side-eyed her. "So we're gonna go shopping for a friend!" My sister yelled as she caught up to us. "So that's what you meant?" I said with anger lacing my voice. "Look I don't want a mindless thing that can't think for itself!" "Oh come on, Mark, it'll be fun to have someone other than you around!" My sister pleaded, "and don't call them a thing!"

Appetite of a People-Pleaser // Ranboo x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now