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Aries: Aries
Taurus: Timmothy
Gemini1: Gamie
Gemini 2: Genny
Cancer: Catiana
Leo: Lucky
Virgo: Varina
Libra: Luka
Scorpio: Shin
Sagittarius: Saphire
Capricorn: Cassandra
Aquarius: Ali
Pisces: Paris

Virgo p.o.v

"Can u give this to Mr. Callisto for me?" Ms. Sirius asked. "Of course," I said. As I walked to Mr. Callisto's classroom I noticed a group of kids laughing at another kid. I watched them and then walked away. I'll just tell the teacher. After I reached the classroom I told the teacher what I saw.

I've always been in the background. I don't like the spotlight. I wish I was more like Lucky. She's so outgoing and gets along with everybody. Even though she and Catiana are "rivals" they still get along so well. She can make everyone laugh and plus she's the Grand Duke's daughter. It's not that I'm jealous of her, I just want to be as outgoing as her and the rest of the zodiacs. Even though Paris is new and she is shy she still does her best to get to know everyone. I don't want to be surrounded by people. I just wish I could talk with people. I've always had trouble talking to people but It got better due to the people who are around me but it's still a struggle.

"Varina!" Cassandra (Capricorn) shouted my name. "Look, I got a 100/100," she said. "Wow, so surprising," I said in a funny sarcastic tone. "Whatever, as long as I get a 100 I don't care what you say," Cassandra ( Capricorn) said and stuck her tongue out. "Anyways, I have a royal's meeting, see you," she said and left. Whatever

I walked to the library where I usually go during the break but something felt different. It felt a bit eerier. I mean obviously, since it was quiet but I never minded that it was quiet. Whatever, it's probably just my imagination. I brushed it off and went to my usual spot to read. Hm? As I walked to my reading spot the spot seemed to move further and further away.


Someone called my name in a breath eerie voice. I turned around. No one was there. Okay, time to leave. I walked to the exit but it disappeared.

"Varina, come here"

"Come here Varina"

"Who's there?!" I yelled.


"Who are you?!" I yelled.

"I'm you," the voice said


Just then the building started to collapse and I tried to use my magic but it didn't work. I ran towards the exit but again it was nowhere. Come where is it?! "Somebody help!" I yelled.

"No one is here," the voice said.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled.

"Your body,"

I woke up with sweat dripping from my forehead. I'm in my room. What just happened? I got up and walked to the living room. "Oh hey, Varina," Genny (Gemini) said. "Hey," I said. "You looked like you've seen a ghost," she said. "Wha?" I asked. "I mean the whole day you looked out of it. You didn't talk to anyone and just walked to your classes like you were a robot," Genny said.

"I did?"


"I don't remember," I said and put my hand on my head. "It's okay, just get something to eat and watch these funny videos with me," Genny (Gemini) said and patted the seat next to her. I nodded and got myself an apple to eat and sat down next to her.

The next day I went to the library but it didn't feel eerie or anything. There were a few people in the common area of the library. I'm probably just burning myself out. I should take a break and go to Wing's Spa or something. "Ah hey Varina, we missed you at the library yesterday," Ms. Betelgeuse said. Ms. Betelgeuse is the head librarian; she's also a fairy. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well you didn't come here yesterday," she said.

"I didn't?"


I stared at her. What is happening? What does she mean? Was it just a dream? No, it could be, Genny saw me walk around yesterday. Am I going crazy? How come I don't remember anything? I must really be going crazy.

"Oh, hey Cassandra, I had fun yesterday," someone said coming up from behind me. "What?" I asked. It was a girl. She had golden blonde hair and her eyes were a ruby red and her lips were deep red like blood. Her skin was as white as snow and she had a warm feeling to her. She looked at Ms. Betelgeuse, walked toward me, and whispered in my ear. "You said you wanted to do something fun so we drank our hearts away,"

I looked at her shocked and she smiled. "I have proof," she said and showed me her mirror phone. It was me and her in a photo together. We were both holding a cup in our hands and I was smiling a big smile. The things in the cup must be alcohol, that's probably why I don't remember anything. I felt my face start to heat up and I looked at her. She smiled at me and I felt chills down my spine. Something about her smile and gaze made me wanna puke. The warm feeling I got from her before was gone and replaced with an eerie feeling. It was quiet for a while and then Ms. Betelgeuse started talking. "Well I'm glad that you came by today Varina," she said and walked away. "Yeah," I said quietly. "I must go too. I'll see you around Lady Maiden," The girl said and bowed. I didn't feel like puking anymore and the eerie feeling was gone. She was about to walk away when I realized I didn't get her name. "Wait," I said. She looked back at me and hummed for me to speak. "Um, I didn't get your name," I said. She smiled and turned around. "I'm Lillith Rose," she said and bowed, and walked away. Lillith Rose? I've never heard of that name before. She must be new or something.

Whatever, I got my questions answered. Something still feels off though I don't know what. It's ok I found out where I was and why I don't remember anything. Let's just put it at that and leave it at that. Now I wonder where the others are.

 Now I wonder where the others are

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Lilith Rose

Magic: ???

Description: ???

(This is Cosette form actually I was the real one)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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