[Chapter Two] • Healed at Home •

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Chapter Two has arrived. Not an angst chapter, but I don't know if you'd call this wholesome. Red shall help Sabre :). 

° Sabre's POV °

I wake up on a comfortable bed, laying on my stomach. The cool spring breeze nips at my exposed back, the burning sensation no longer as strong. Red Steve must've taken care of me when I fell asleep.

I yawn, and the door opens. I turn my head to see who, or what, it is. Red enters the room, his poppy red hair disheveled as ever, his clothing very wrinkled. His eyes have an exhausted look to them, dark eyebags lining the edges.

"Oh! I see you're awake. Are you okay?" Red questions, his voice laced with tiredness.

"Yeah, I'm better than before. How about you, are you okay?" I question him, staring into his eyes.

"I'm... fine. Just tired, that's all," Red waves my concern away, but I can tell something else is bothering him.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I ask, nervous for the answer.

"Two days. I've replaced your bandages five times so far, and I came to replace them for a sixth time. I was worried that you wouldn't wake up," Red informs me. "I was wondering, if you're up to it of course, if you wanted to come with me to meet a friend of mine."

My tired eyes flutter open at the mention of meeting someone new. Excitement fills me at the thought of seeing more people. So far, the only people I've met are Red Steve, that creepy corrupted Blue Steve, and the Darkness. Plus, after being inside and asleep for two days, I'm sure getting outside and communicating with another will be good for me. 

"Yeah, let's go!" I say, and try to move. Red stops me before I move too much, though.

"Here, let me help you. We don't want you to stretch or damage your back wound. It should start to heal soon, and we want that process to go as smoothly as possible," Red Steve says.

Red gently grabs my arm closest to him, and gingerly sets a gentle hand on my side furthest from him. He slowly and carefully rolls me to my back, being as gentle as he can to not irritate the wound. He helps me in a sitting position, and I wince slightly at the sting of the burn. It's not as strong or painful as it would've been two days ago, but it's still not pleasent. 

"Can you stand?" Red asks, still holding my hand.

"I don't know. I'll try," I say, and start to stand up.

My legs wobble, still half asleep from being unsued for two days. Red Steve stays by my side, ready to catch me if I fall. He has a arm hovering behind my back that'll break my fall. 

"Easy, Sabre. Take it slow and steady," Red suggests, which I listen.

After a few minutes if struggle, I'm able to stand on my own without wobbling. Now for the next step; walking. Oh boy...

I take miniature steps, barely lifting my feet off of the ground. My legs wobble at the slightest movement, as they're no longer used to holding all of my body weight. One foot in front of the other, I make slow progress to the bedroom door.

"That's it. Here, come to the wall. I'm going to grab you your shirt and sweater, I patched them up while I was waiting for you to awaken," Red says, and helps guide me to the wall.

Once I'm comfortably leaning against the wall- well, as comfortable as one can be- Red walks away to grab my shirt and hoodie.

While I wait, I entertain myself by looking around at my surroundings. The room is small, but not so small that it feels cramped. There's a small red bed against the middle of the back wall, which is the same bed I was on a few minutes ago. On the spruce nightstands, there is medical supplies and a bottle of water. On the wall left of the bed and right across from me, there are bookshelves with two windows separating them. The windows have red curtains covering them, eliminating that light source other than the small bits that come from under the curtains. On the wall to my right has a desk and more storage, along with the door. The wall that I'm leaning on has one window, which is right behind me, with red curtains also covering it. Overall, a nice cozy room when decorated properly.

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