[Chapter Four] • Recovering and Blaming •

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Time for more angst >:D

Sorry that this took a while to be published, school decided to wack me in the face with homework, I also started writing another AU book and I started to get burnt out a little... This is gonna be the last chapter for the week, cause I'm camping this weekend from tonight (Friday) to Monday. So ye-

~ Sabre's PoV ~

I wake up with a groan, my heavy eyes slowly fluttering awake. I try to move my right arm, but yelp in pain. I look at it and see white bandages that are stained red with blood. Confusion fills my head as to what happened, but the memories flood back immediately after. 

Meeting Kirros.

Rory panicing. 

Rory being infected with Darkness. 

Rory attacking me.

Running with Kirros away from Rory.

Rory burning my wrist.

Rorry begging to be destroyed.

Kirros destroying him.

Falling unconsious. 

I sigh. So much happened yesterday that it's hard to believe it all happened in just one day. All of it is just so overwhelming. I mean, I'm apperently apart of a prophesy and the person who was supposed to help me is gone.

I'm startled out of my thoughts at the sound of a door creaking open, and I turn to see Kirros entering with a worries expression on his face. His eyes widen and a soft smile comes to his face when he sees me awake.

"Oh, I see you're awake. I was worried you'd never wake up and that you died from blood loss... I tried to bandage your arm, but I'm not a Green Steve healer, so it's not perfect," Kirros rambles, his words slightly slurred from tiredness.

"I'm fine, just drowsy and trying to process what happened. You look like you haven't slept in weeks, are you okay?" I ask, and his lips go into a thin line.

"Sabre, do you even know how long you were out for?" He asks me.

I slightly shake my head side to side, confused. I mean, when I first passed out it was for around two days, so how long could I have been out again?

"Sabre, you've been unconscious for a week. There were times where your breathing was so faint I panicked thinking you died," Kirros explains.

"So you didn't sleep for the whole week? Over someone you just met?" I ask, not meaning to sound as... harsh as I did.

"Everytime I tried to close my eyes, all I saw was Rory infected and chasing us, or Rory begging for me to destroy him, or me destroying my best friend," he looks as me, tears running down his cheeks. "I tried to sleep. I tried to stay strong, but I'm not. I'm not strong like a lot of the other Steve's."

I look up at Kirros, tears running down his face again. He has dark eyebags under his eyes while the rest are slightly puffy from crying so much. His sandy cheeks are tear stained, the paths of previous tears are barely visible. His amber eyes are glossy from the tears, his pumpkin hair very unruly.

"So... Rory is- he's.... Gone?" I mumble.

All Kirros can do is nod in response. He tries to talk, but his mouth ends up just opening and closing over and over. He looks away, some of his shoulder length hair falling into his face, obscuring it from my view.

I look out a window, tears silently running down my face. I can't wrap my head around the fact that Rory is gone. I mean, I only knew him for a few days, but we were friends and he was the first person I saw in this world.

"How are-" I clear my throat, and Kirros turns to look at me, "How are we going to stop the Darkness? Rory said it was his job to help me, but he uh can't..."

Kirros thinks for a minute before saying, "I can help. Rory told me enough about his job to where I can help you stop the Darkness."

I look at him in shock. I didn't expect him to offer to help me when we just met. Then again, he did help my injuries, so it does make a little sense.

"I'm sorry if this sounds rude or pretentious, but Rory was a Red Steve about wisdom and knowledge. You're an Orange Steve about creativity- and don't get me wrong, your house is amazing and I owe you for saving my life, but I'm unsure as to how you can help," I say, they shyly turn away. "Plus, I already caused enough damage to your life, I don't want to ruin it even more."

I've already ruined Kirros' life enough, I don't need to ruin it anymore. I caused Rory to get infected and then die, I released the Darkness, I caused him so much trouble and stress. Gosh, I'm supposed to be some prophesied savior or something and I've already messed it up so much. Why must I be such a failure? How am I supposed to save this world when I get burned so bad by one touch I'm bedridden or unconscious for at least two days?

"Sabre I-"

"Look," Kirros tries to speak, but I cut him off. "I think you guys got the wrong person. I'm no hero or saviour or whatnot. I couldn't save Rory, how am I supposed to save all the Steve's? Maybe- maybe it's best that I just leave this world."

"No. You didn't know about the Darkness. Heck, most Steve's know little to nothing about it. We know you're not perfect, you're going to make mistakes. You just got here and you've had this whole prophecy shoved on you when you didn't even really know about the Steve's. Yes, Rory is gone and we couldn't save him, but there wasn't much we could've done. We didn't have the Red or Orange Crystal," Kirros says as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to get you something to eat and drink, ok? Just relax, I'll be right back."

Kirros makes sure the medical supplies won't fall off the nightstand he set them on, and walks out of the room, shutting the door softly behind him.

I sigh and think about what he said. I just- I just don't know how I'm going to save this world. No matter what, two things will always stay with me;

Rory is dead because of me


Whatever chaos and death the Darkness causes is also my fault.

It's all my fault.


>:) A n g s t-

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again, sorry it took so long to come out.

Also, about the other AU book mentioned in earlier author note: it *hopefully* will come out by mid next week. I just need to make the cover and finish the first chapter. I might take a small break after that, idk. So ye, cya in the next chapter!

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