[Chapter Five] • With Blame, Comes Nightmares •

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AYYY, I'm back! So yeah, I'm back from my break from writing! Chapters should be coming out once again and not have two or three weeks inbetween. Anyways, here we are with an angst chapter-



° Sabre's PoV °

My overwhelming thoughts are put on slight hold when the door opens and Kirros comes inside carrying a plate of apple slices and buttered bread and a cup of water. He sets them on the dresser across from the bed, and moves the medical supplies off of the nightstand to make room.

Once he completes that, he looks at me and offers a hand. I look at it, confused.

"I'm going to help you sit up, okay? But you're going to have to be careful, we don't want to strain your open wound," Kirros says.

I nod, and he leans over the bed slightly. He puts a gentle hand on my injured arms shoulder, and he grabs my other arm a little more tightly. He pulls me up, and I do my best to help him. The blanket falls off of my chest, and only then do I realise that I do not have a shirt on. Kirros seems to notice this, and finishes helping me sit up.

"I had to take your shirt off in order to fully inspect the cut and to make sure it doesn't get infected. I hope you don't mind, but I couldn't really ask you since you were unconscious," Kirros says, blushing from embarrassment. He scratches the nape of his neck, unable to make eye contact with me.

He grabs the plate and cup and brings them over to me. He sets them on the nightstand, smiles, and then silently leaves the room.

Once again, I'm left alone with only my thoughts to comfort me. Though, they're not overly comforting. They scream at me, blaming me for the Darkness and Rory's death even more than I already have. They all fight to be the most prominant, all of them jumbling together in an incoherent storm of rage and fault. 

I use my good arm to grip my hair, tugging at it slightly to use the pain to distract me from my ranging thoughts. All of them make me want to scream out, to let my anger out. But I can't. I have to stay strong, for Kirros and all the other Steves I may meet. If I'm supposed to be the Saviour, then I need to act like it. I can't let these thoughts get the best of me. 

But I don't know how. 

I feel so weak. 

So pathetic.

How in the skys above am I supposed to save the Steves when I couldn't save Rory? I barely survived one cut, a barely healing burnt back, and a newly burnt wrist. If that leaves me unconsious and bedridden for a week, what will happen when there's more than just one darkness or one infected Steve? 


I can't think like that. 

The Steves need me. 

I... I need to save the Steves. 

For Rory. 


A few hours have past, and with the help of Kirros, I've gotten out of bed. We've changed my bandages once, and I just haven't bothered to but on my sweater or shirt again. I don't want the fabric to aggrivate or move the bandages. 

Kirros has been silent, which I understand. He's still trying to process what happened to Rory. I wish I could help him more, but I don't know how. I've never been the most comforting person out there. Honestly, I've been more of the person who needs to be comforted than the one who needs to comfort someone else. 

I look over at Kirros who is sitting on the other side of the sofa, staring out the far window. His pumpkin hair is even more a mess than before. I can hear him mumbling something, but it's too quiet for me to understand what he's saying.

He stops, and an uncomfortable silence washes over us. I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. 

"Hey Kirros-" I clear my thoat.  "I- uh. How are you holding up?"

He doesn't look at me, he doesn't move at all. Maybe- maybe he's just ignoring me, lost in his thoughts. 


Or he also thinks that everything so far is my fault. 

No. He said he doesn't blame me and that I didn't know...

But that could be a lie to make me feel better.

I sigh, both sides arguing in my mind. I wanted to blame myself, but I also knew that it wasn't my fault since I didn't even know about the Darkness until a little while ago. I yawn, tired from the mental battle. Kirros still doesn't spare me a glance or awknowledge my question. 

My thoughts slow as I drift into sleep. 


"It's your fault, Sabre," Kirros mumbles, still not sparing me a glance. 

"W-what?" I tiredly ask. 

"It's all your fault. Rory is dead because of you. I had to destroy my best friend because of you. Darkness is released because of you. My life is in danger because of you. It's all your fault," Kirros says, then turns to me. 

His tired eyes are red, Darkness in them. His pumpkin hair is a mess and has darkness streaks in it. His clothing is ripped and torn, blood and Darkness staining the remaining parts. He smiles the same smile that Rory did when he was infected. 

He slowly walked over to me, his head slightly twitching. He had a maniac look on his face: his eyes abnormally wide, a crazy smile with the same black goop staining his mouth and teeth. I slide as far back on the couch as I can to keep a distance from this infected Kirros. 

Kirros continues to approach me, eventually cornering me on the couch. I try to move off the couch, but it's as if my body has been glued down.

I can't move. My breathing quickens. I quickly look around for a way out. There is done. Kirros crawls on the couch. He cages me in. He stars at me. His eyes- gosh his eyes are terrifying. He smiles. The black goop drips onto me. His mouth starts to stretch up. He's going to eat me. He comes down, swallowing me-


I wake with a stir, my breathing uneven and rushed. Kirros- no longer infected- is looking over me with a concerned expression on his face. I pant for air, my lungs unable to get enough after what I just saw. 

Was that-

Was it real?

"Sabre, it's alright, it was a nightmare," Kirros assures me, and I look at him.

"It-" I even my breathing as much as  can. "It was a nightmare?"

He nods. "Yes."

My breathing continues at a normal pace. My hair is damp with sweat, and Kirros now sits by my feet on the couch. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kirros asks. 

I sigh. I mean, it's probably best that I do, so that I'm not bottling it all up and then exploding. Not literally-

I explain my dream- er, nightmare to Kirros. His gaze never leaves me as he patiently listening. He nods in acceptance and understanding. Once I'm done, he gets up and walks over to me. He asks if he can give me a hug, which I saw yes to. We hug it out and he rubs my arms comfortingly. 

I just wonder one thing. 

Will Kirros get infected like he did in my nightmare? 


I totally knew where I was taking this chapter in the beginning-

Yes, I'll take time to plan this out a bit more, lol. 

:D I hope you liked the chapter!

I gotta finish an assignment for my business class now ._.


~ Unicorn

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