Chapter 2

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I hope you enjoy the reading.


The next day came faster than Changbin liked and the problem was, he didn't really sleep well. His mind was full of thoughts and he damned this whole situation and his mindless words. He has never been in a relationship nor did he make people fall in love with him. He would definitely fail this but he would make sure he would not fall for Hyunjin. With a heavy sigh Changbin got up from his bed and walked out of his small bedroom. He nearly fell over some bags he forgot to pack away yesterday. He held back some swear words as he entered the bathroom. There he washed his face and brushed his teeths. For a moment he stared into the mirror, making strange faces to cheer himself up. With a little smile he left the bathroom and went into his kitchen. He made himself something to drink and something to eat and sat down. 

Changbin sat in his kitchen even after he had finished eating, staring out of the window, when his phone suddenly made a loud sound. He flinched but grabbed his phone immediately. 

Unknown number
Hey, this is Hyunjin. 

Where the heck did you
get my number from?

Oh what a nice first text
from Mr. Changbin. 
I got your number from Channie-Hyung 
and he got it from Minho.

Well good to know that
Minho-Hyung gives away my number
without my permission.

Well we somehow need to get in touch,
don't we?
When do we want to meet?

Changbin went out of his kitchen into his living room and sat down on his sofa. He was still a bit mad that Minho gave his number away without even asking whether it would be alright or not. For a moment he looked out of the window but then his eyes wandered back towards his phone screen. 

Why meet?

I swear, I didn't know you were that dumb. 
We need to meet up so you can
fall in love with me.

Don't call me dumb again!
And stop being so confident. 
I will never fall for you!

We will see, Honey.
Again, when do you want to meet?

I have uni in half an hour 
but we could meet after my practice

Sounds good to me. 
I will be there to get you.

Changbin looked at Hyunjins last text and wondered how he would know when he had practice. What would they do? Had Hyunjin already had an idea? Changbin rolled his eyes and closed their chat. He was thinking too much again. At the moment he couldn't do anything. He would have to wait. His lips escaped a little sigh and he stood up. He was still tired but also very curious of what was to come. He got up and was getting ready for his lessons. He liked his degree but it was also exhausting sometimes. Changbin closed his door behind him and got on his motorbike outside the house. 

It was his luck that he decided, out of all days, that he would sit further in the back because his body decided during the lesson that sleep would be quite good. He woke up again when the students around him packed away their things and went out. Tried he went over his face and slowly started to pack away his things. He stopped his recording and then walked as one of the last ones out.  
The hallway is full of other students. Some of them were talking to each other. Sometimes Changbin wished he had friends that also took his degree but sadly nobody did. 
"Changbin!" He heard someone calling him. Surprised, Changbin turned around to see Chan running towards him. With big eyes he watched how the older one stopped in front of him. 
"Hello Changbin. Where are you heading?" Changbin was quite confused. He knew from Minho that Chan also studied but he never saw him. Or at least never noticed him till now. 
"Practice, I will stop at a boba shop, though. And you?" 
"I'm on my way to the studio too. Forgot my headphones." Slowly Changbin nodded. They started walking again.
"How is it even possible to forget headphones?" This question made Chan laugh out loud which made Changbin smile too. He liked making people laugh.
"Believe me. I don't know how I managed to do that. Normally my headphones are the first thing I check when I leave but I guess I forgot it yesterday." With a smile Changbin nodded again. 

"Would you like to come with me? To the boba shop I mean.” 
“The one that is next to the studio or the one with a wall of grass?” Confused, Changbin looked at the older one. 
“Grass wall?”
“I guess you mean the one next to the studio then. The other one just opened up I think. Felix dragged me with him last week to check the tea out.” They walk across a street, the shop now in visibility. 
“You need to tell me the address. Maybe I can take Hyunjin there.” Immediately Chan's mood changed and he just stared at Changbin while the latter ordered their teas. 
“So you also really want to do it? I thought maybe you would be the more grounded one.” Changbin let out a sigh and watched how their teas were made. 
“Honestly I don't want to do it… I do it for Minho-Hyung because he works so fucking heard and would deserve this chance”, Changbin explained. “And also because Hyunjin seems so full of himself that I just agreed to this.” 
“Someday it will make him fall down on his knees”, Chan muttered and then helped with their drinks. “But he also has a kind heart. Please don't hurt him.” Changbin let out a loud laugh. 
“Well according to Hyunjin, I will be the one that will fall in love and not him.” Chan just answered with a little hum. 

“Thanks for helping me with the drinks. We will probably see eachother soon again”, Changbin muttered, while Chan started smiling and nodded lightly. 
“Sure and also thanks for the tea.” Changbin returned the smile and then walked towards the dance studio that Minho booked. 

When he opened the door, he saw that Minho was already there, standing at the stereo. 
“Hello Hyung”, he greeted Minho softly, when he stopped next to him. The older one looked away from the laptop. 
“Changbin, you are early today”, he mumbled, still catched in his own thoughts.
“I had to make up for yesterday hyung. I also bought boba tea.” Finally Changbin got Minho out of his kinda trance. Minho's face lit up and he grabbed his tea with both hands. 
“Thanks Binnie.” He took a big sip and then let out a little sigh. “That's exactly what I needed right now.” 
“You are welcome. When did you arrive?” 
“For about two hours I think. I came up with the beginning of a new choreo. Maybe even for the show, we will see.” 
“Uh I'm excited to see what you made up in your clever head.” 

They were interrupted when Seungmin opened the door, followed by Jeongin. 
“Hello Hyungs”, the latter shouted and ran towards them, while Seungmin put down his backpack first and then walked over to them. 
“Hello Minho-Hyung, Changbin-Hyung”, Seungmin greeted them too and gave them a big smile. With a wide smile Changbin gave the two younger men their bobas. For a few minutes the four men drank a bit of their boba in silence, then Minho jolted them all up and they started to warm up. Soon Changbin felt his body and mind relax. He started to feel present in the moment. It was always like that. Sooner or later when they started practising he would start to feel grounded and present in the moment. 

All four young men were so focused on their new choreo that none of them, not even Minho that normally notices everything during practice, noticed how the door got open and closed after about one and a half hour of practice. 
"I swear I will go crazy should you do that move wrong one more time, Changbin-ssi", a voice behind them grumbled. Changbins lifted up his head fastly just to see Hyunjin sitting against the opposite wall casually. 
"Yah! What are you doing here?", Minho asked, getting out of his pose, turning around. Even though Seungmin knew Minho for years now, he sometimes got still surprised by Minho's sudden outbursts. 
"I'm waiting for Changbin." 
"Yeah we will go eat after practice, Hyung", Changbin confirmed with a low sigh.
"Alright but does he have to be here?"
"Oh come on I will not steal your choreo. I'm not that cheap", Hyunjin replied, rolling his eyes. For a long moment Minho stared at Hyunjin, probably choosing whether to trust the younger one or not.

"Alright you can stay", Minho then said towards Hyunjin and turned around again. 
"And Binnie, he is right. You did the last move wrong before he interrupted. Do you want me to show it to you one more time?" For a second Changbin stared at Hyunjin through the mirror only getting a wide smirk as an answer. He closed his eyes and then nodded.
"I would appreciate that Hyung." Once more Changbin glance fell on Hyunjin who was still staring at him but then he focused on his Hyung. He could still feel Hyunjins eyes on him which made it way more difficult to concentrate on the choreo but he still tried his best.
They trained for about half an hour until another group came in to practice. 

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