Chapter 4

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"Why didn't you tell us all of them would come?", Minho hissed into Changbins ear. The two stood next to the kitchen in Minho's apartment, looking at the four men that had just arrived.
"I'm sorry Hyung. I thought you would say no. But I'm surprised Chan didn't say anything."
"I swear I will fry you", Minho muttered. For a second Changbin stared at his Hyung but then a small smile appeared on his face.
"You wouldn't do that. Who would make sure we got to the Tv show then?" Minho let out a frustrated sigh and rolled his eyes.
"Lucky you. I swear I will fry you when all of this has ended." But in the next second his face lit up a bit when Chan was walking towards the both of them. The older one hugged him.
"Hyung", Minho let out a whine and tried to break away from Chan but he didn't let him. With big eyes Changbin watched the two men. He was fascinated by the way his Hyung interacted with the older young man. In their friend group Minho was the oldest so it was something new to see him not be the oldest.
"I'm also happy to see you, Minho", Chan answered in a higher voice, hugging him a bit tighter before he let him be. When he saw Minho's face he couldn't hold back and started to laugh. Changbin also started to grin. He could get used to the way Minho acted around Chan.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Jisungs voice filled the air and the next second he wrapped his arm around Chan, checking out Changbin and then Minho. For a moment Jisungs eyes stayed on Minho. It was just a second but it was enough for Minho to get nervous. Changbin raised one eyebrow and gave Minho a look but he was ignored by his Hyung.

"Hey Changbin." Changbin looked towards Hyunjin. The first thing he noticed was Hyunjins blond hair.
"You bleached your hair. It looks good on you", he muttered, stroking through Hyunjins hair. Hyunjin looked away, avoided Chanbins eyes and greeted Minho with a nod instead.
"Alright let's go into the living room. Minnie and Innie are waiting there for us."
Changbin was the first that went into the living room. He saw Seungmin and Jeongin sitting on the sofa and nearly jumped on both of them.
"What's up?", he laughed and greeted both of them, Changbin had arrived just a few minutes before the four other men.
"Hyung stop", Jeongin whined. "You are embarrassing." With a little giggle Changbin got up from both of them and winked at Jeongin. Seungmin smirked and poked the younger one into the side.

Behind Changbin the other walked into the room.
"Nice room, Minho-ssi. I love that you have so many plants."
"Thanks." All three, Seungmin, Jeongin and Changbin looked at each other and then at their Hyung. It was rare for Minho to thank them, he would show it in another way but to hear Minho thank Jisung was really rare.
"He is up to something", Seungmin mumbled, receiving a nod from both Jeongin and Changbin.
"What have you planned? Hyunjin didn't want to tell us anything", Felix asked, as he fell down on the pillows that were laid down on the floor. He smiled up at the others.
"Nothing much. We want to order pizza, we didn't do that in ages and boba later. Maybe play some mario kart." Changbin could see how Felix's eyes lit up.
"Finally someone that also likes to play mario kart."
"He acts like we never play any games with him", Chan grumbled and rolled his eyes, still he could hold back a little smile.
"But I always have to beg you." A sad pout formed on Felix's lips.
"Is he always this cute?", Changbin asked, not letting his eyes on the younger one. He didn't know Felix from their dance lessons back when they were children because Felix moved from Australia to Korea only a few years ago.
"It's his natural element", Hyunjins answered, looking back and forth between Changbin and Felix. If he didnt know it any better he would think Hyunjin was jealous that he called the australian boy cute.

Hyunjin and Jisung were still standing.
"Will you be standing there the entire time or will you sit down with us? Because if you two keep standing, please find another place that is not right in front of the television", Minho scold the two younger men. With wide eyes Jisung stared at him but didn't move, while Hyunjin went up to Changbin and sat next to him on the side rest of Minho's sofa. Hyunjin, who was taller than Changbin anyways, looked even taller as he looked down at him.
"Minho nearly wanted to kill me when he saw that not just you but all of your crew entered his apartment." Hyunjin started to giggle and then looked at Changbin with a stupid grin.
"I would like to see that." The older one let out an offended sound and pushed Hyunjin a little, who lost balance and nearly fell off the sofa. Not just Changbin but also Seungmin and Jeongin started to laugh. With red cheeks Hyunjin tried to stare Changbin down but he was too embarrassed to make it work.
"Never do that again", he whispered and slapped the other one lightly against his shoulder. They looked at each other for another minute before Changbin looked away and noticed that Jisung now sat in front of Minho on the floor, having his back against the armchair.

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