Chapter 12

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When Changbin woke up Hyunjin was still pressed into him and his arms were wrapped around his body. He looked so soft. With a wide smile Changbin placed a soft kiss on the younger man's hair without thinking. Slowly Changbin untangled them and got out of his bed. He didn't want to wake Hyunjin when he was sleeping so peacefully. He closed the door softly behind himself and walked into the kitchen. There he was greeted with the sun shining through the window. Still a bit sleepy, he started to make breakfast. He prepared rice and banchan as well as fried eggs. He made some tea and just in time, when he had placed everything on his small table, he heard his bedroom door open and close again. A moment later he saw Hyunjin in the hallway. Just when he wanted to greet him, he noticed the way the younger man was looking. It seemed to Changbin as if Hyunjin was all stiff, his eyes moved fastly from one side to another but he didn't meet Changbins eyes once.

“Hyunjin?”, Changbin asked carefully, almost afraid the other one would flee like a scared deer. He made one step forward but stopped when Hyunjin jerked back. Immediately Changbin felt a strong pull in his chest.
“I need to go”, muttered Hyunjin and within a few seconds he was out of the door.
“But I made breakfast” sighed Changbin now to the emptiness of his home. He didn't understand what had just happened. He didn't get why Hyunjin acted in this way so suddenly. Slowly he placed down the smalle bowl he had still had in his hands when Hyunjin appeared and sat down on one of the chairs. The sun was still shining through his kitchen window but now it seemed mocking. Like she was making fun of him. Shining so bright and happy while he felt like it started raining just over him and only over him. Why did he feel like that? Why was he so upset about Hyunjin just leaving? It wasn't just because he made breakfast for them both. It was more behind it. It was… Changbin let out a deep sigh, stood up and placed everything he had prepared away and into the fridge again. He wasn't hungry anymore.

When he walked back into his bedroom he noticed Hyunjins clothes from last night. He had left them on the chair and Hyunjin probably didn't notice them when he stormed out of Changbins apartment. Yesterday everything seemed to go just fine. In a long time Changbin hadn't felt so good. Maybe when he went on the short trip with Hyunjin but he even felt better yesterday. The way he had been surrounded with his friends and the new opportunity to work with Chan and Jisung and then Hyunjin. How they danced together and how the younger man had held onto him. He… He had the feeling of being loved. And he loved. Damn he loved… he loved Hyunjin. Love was a big word. Maybe it wasn't love. Not completely but he was on the way to it. He liked Hyunjin. He really did. His body had told him so multiple times and he couldn't deny it anymore. Couldn't deny how he felt so comfortable, so warm and safe whenever Hyunjin was around. He couldn't deny how his heart was beating strongly against his chest when Hyunjin was getting closer to him. For god's sake they kissed. Multiple times and he enjoyed it. Wanted more, even. He had lost the bet. But who was he going to fool? Deep down he had known from the beginning that he would lose this bet but he couldn't do that to Minho. Minho had worked so hard to get so far and Changbin wouldn't be the person to destroy that. But maybe he wouldn't need to. Hyunjin had kissed him multiple times as well. Had seeked him out. Had slept next to him, had hugged like none of Changbins friends had ever done. Maybe he felt the same. The chance was very small but it was still there. Maybe they had a chance.

They… was there even a they to begin with? They started off as a bet. Maybe it was all Hyunjin saw in them. Suddenly Changbins chest felt tighter than before and with a frustrated exhale he threw Hyunjins clothes on the ground. He needed to think of something different. Maybe he needed a shower. It would calm him down a bit. Hopefully at least. But before he did that he texted Hyunjin asking him to at least tell him when he got home safe. But even two hours later he had still gotten know text back from Hyunjin and it made him nervous. Not because he thought something might have happened to Hyunjin but because he just ignored him. He had seen that Hyunjin had been online several times through these two hours but he still got no answer. Honestly, he didn't understand anything anymore. Maybe he would need to talk to him after the weekend. Instead of thinking too much about it now, he started to do some work he still had for one of his courses. He didn't like it much but at least it got his head off of Hyunjin.

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