The new beggining

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I was walking through the woods for hours until I came across an abandoned robot factory. I went inside and what I found surprised me.

CC: this has been abandoned for at least 4years. Some of these machines still look like they work

I began to take apart the robots and remade them into a superior version. When I activated them I ordered them to take apart the machinery and rebuild it into a assembly line. While they were working I wandered around the factory till I came across a lab. In this lab layer a stasis chamber with someone in it. He looked like Doctor Mindbender. I looked for a way to wake him up, then I saw a button and pushed it. When I did fog came out of the pod when it opened and the person started to wake up.

????: uhhh where am I

CC: you are in a robot factory that I am reconfiguring to build my android troopers. What is your name

MB: my name is Doctor Mindbender

CC: strange I once had an underling by that name. Do you want to work for me

Mb: what do you offer

CC: no restrictions on your research and access to all the materials you need for it

MB: I accept. Just to clarify how would we deal with atlas

CC: we will hide our real objective behind the scenes of our future company. I will be CEO of the company, and you will be in charge of pharmaceuticals

MB: brilliant deception mister

CC: you can call me Cobra Commander but for appearance at the company Mr. Snake

MB: it shall be so Commander

CC: now let's go see how our new Android army is going along.

We left the secret room and went back to the factory and what we saw was beyond impressive. The robots finished the reconstruction of the assembly line and redid the whole building.

 The robots finished the reconstruction of the assembly line and redid the whole building

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CC: this is quite the upgrade

MB: indeed. I have a few ideas for weapon and updates if you permit me to

CC: you can start right away and I want annual reports of your progress

MB: it shall be done

When Mindbender left to set up shop in one of the other hangers I started operations. The first thing I did was build a company HQ in the nearby city of Vale. At my company we made advancements in medicine and healthcare that anyone can afford. I even read up on the history of this world and learned Faunus are treated like trash, though there are improvements on this matter. So I decided to allow Faunus to work in my company not as lower class but equals. Many did not see my real face, only the fake holo- disguise of the person I want to be seen as. We also build cleaner energy vehicles to pro vent confusion.

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