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Night camps in as Taeyong settles on bed while Jaehyun is in his office room doing some late checking.

It bugged him to the core as he clutched on his abdomen, he used to smile whenever he does it. Now that sweet smile is replaced with a bitter one. He grabs his pillows to sleep in a separate room. Taeyong still can't bear the fact that he sleeps with Jaehyun.

When he twisted the doorknob Jaehyun is there standing looking at him taking some pillows. "Going somewhere, sweetie?"

Taeyong glances away not wanting to meet Jaehyun's eyes. "I don't want to sleep with you."

A heavy sigh escaped from Jaehyun's lips as he steps in the room which made the former retreat. He carried Taeyong back to bed as he hovers on top, staring at his lover's face closely. "Mr. Lee, I am your husband. I understand the situation fully and you may never forgive me. I'm at loss too, I broke up with her over you. Will you believe me if I say that I love you."

Their lips met before Taeyong could say anything else or to prevent Jaehyun from confessing at this unwanted hour. He just wanted the mattress to swallow his existence after hearing Jaehyun ended his affair.

'Why now Jaehyun, why do you have to wait for the incident... I am ready to let go.'

Taeyong's side was wrapped with Jaehyun's arm after that thoughtful kiss, face buried at the crook of his neck. "Am I that late to make it up to you, sweetie? I want to make things right, loathe me if you must Taeyong but remember that my answer is you."

One Saturday morning the couple decided to go out, do some restocking of their supplies at the supermarket. Taeyong watched Jaehyun pushed the cart which is an odd event. Usually, it's just him doing this thing or he's with Kun.

"I'll follow you wherever you go, Taeyong. What should we get first?" He tilt his head upon  seeing the older lad scroll through his phone; exposing the list of what to buy. "We can save time by splitting up. You go that way, I'll go here. I will get these few stuff while you get the wrapped veggies and meat."

Needless to say, they both went on separate ways as Taeyong headed to get his cravings. Ah, Taeyong sure has his ways of hiding secret –in fact, he is hiding one so well that Jaehyun isn't aware of... the baby.

"Souffle." His lips pouted as he could not resist the temptation to a one souffle, smiling. "I'm sorry if it has to be this way, baby. I'm just protecting you from your dad. If he can't love you the way I do then I have to...."

He mumbled lowly as he's lost at his own world with the souffle. Carrying a handful of packs he swirled on some shelves following the direction where Jaehyun went only to see a hideous frame.

'Jaehyun... you lied.'

Taeyong shoves everything in a shelf despite the products not matching as he could see from afar, Jaehyun and his other lover getting greasy. Her hands aroun his waist, face leaning closer on his ear as she's kissing his skin.

What evidence could Taeyong take this time when he sees it again with his two eyes.

"Stop leeching on me!" Jaehyun got frustrated on his woman. He already promised Taeyong one thing, not able to bear if he'll break his heart into pieces again. "I'll have you sued if you continue to ruin my life."

Big steps were made towards the opposite direction down the aisle as he passed the condiments section. Just as he was about to take a turn he noticed packs of souffle all shoved to the corner. "Who on earth would mix souffle with vinegar –damn, Taeyong."

His breath hitched up the sight of it. He knew Taeyong saw the scene and he rushed out to find him. To no avail he couldn't find Taeyong, trembling as he kicks the wall near the parking lot. "Answer me, love..." He calls Taeyong's number only getting a voided respond.

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