💖𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮💖

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That night after the couple left the room, they stay there in shock, Rosalie was heartbroken and the only thing that she wanted to do was cry, Esme felt like a bad mother the only thoughts were that she lost two persons in her family and she couldn't do anything about it, Emmett knew that her brother was leaving and there was not going to be anyone like him and his snowflake the pain of her mate was getting to him, he knew that Rose was ready to leave but not yet. Jasper well the guilt was so heavy on him but now for different reasons even after that he didn't support her sister she was there for him, even when she doesn't talk to him she defend him with force, and the worst part was that she was right with everything she said in that meeting, they were fools to trust in him and their ¨brother¨ 

-I'm so sorry Jasper, I wasn't fair to you, you give me everything that makes me happy and I couldn't think right because the thought of having a new sister blinded me, and I just lost one sister one that I don't know that she forgives me, and the worst part is that even when I knew why she didn't like the human I keep pushing -Alice said with a broken voice

-I told you all that this was going to happen, you just made that my family got broke, the family that I always desire is broken -Rosalie said with venom toward them, she sped toward the woods trying to calm herself, Emmett let her go knowing that she needs space

-They were right with everything that she said, even Stephen was right way before this happen, I hope that you are happy now Edward you put our ¨family¨ against each other, and let me tell you, this is your fault and only yours -Jasper said to them, and leaving the room

-I think all of us need time, Rosalie and I will be traveling for a few months and then if she feels comfortable we will come back -Emmett communicates their decision to Esme, and Alice leaves the room with her brother to find Jasper

Carlisle, Esme, and Edward were left in the room, Edward was feeling way worst than before, and her sister told him the hard truth that he didn't want to hear -I am going to wait for all of you to finish packing and then I am going to talk with Bella -that was the last thing that they heard before he leaves to pack to, the matriarch did not know how to make her husband feel better in those moments, Athena of course at the time said things in irony to her husband, but she couldn't blame her for not wanting to be with them anymore, she knew that the day they were attacked everything changed for the worse, and Stephen her dear son, she knew that he would not stay in a place where he let them put his imprint at greater risk, of course over time Carlisle and he started having discussions but the time would come that he couldn't take it anymore and this was that moment where both decided it was enough.

-It is my fault this happened, I let other people make decisions that I was supposed to take, she was right to tell me that I was not a leader, and look here I am with all my kids mad at me and they are right to be mad -he got up from his chair and extend his hand to his wife -Let's go pack all of us need time apart -she smiles toward him and took his hand and went to pack their room

And as they promised in two days, everyone was ready to go, Emmett and Rosalie decided to travel and have another honeymoon for a few months before returning, and Jasper and Alice decided to go find answers about the pixie's past, and they were able to talk and resolve their differences to start again stronger, Esme and Carlisle decided to go to Alaska better with their relatives to spend a season, Edward would go alone since he did not want to be with anyone around, and finally Athena and Stephen would go to Volterra to their home, nobody knew where they would go, and boy in a few months they would take a surprise.

Athena and Stephen follow Edward to meet Bella, the alpha wanted to make sure that the mind reader makes his work, and thanks to their gifts they could hide, they hear all the conversation

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