♦️𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴♦️

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Some days later, Athena could found some dark objects so she can do the spell, she stay some days in Volterra she also could got something from Dydime and her masters, she was very happy because in a less than a week she was going to bring back Stephen family and she thinks that he deserves that after the hell that she put him through and Dydime that she was already part of her family because just like Marcus, Dydime treats her like a niece. That day it was Monday and that meant school for the others, Rosalie was doing Thena's hair and she was studying the spell of resurrection very carefully if she said something wrong is not going to work and the energy could go to waste, it was already noon when Thena stop cooking and the plate in her hand's slips and breaks in a second, making Stephen run to her side and others see her worried

-What is it, love? -he asked in worry

-Victoria is coming to Forks, in five days -she responds, everyone turns to look at Carlisle 

-It could be our only shot to grab her, prepare yourselves we are going after her

-We need to hunt -Stephen state

-Yes, you need to eat and then we wait for the others, but I'm pretty sure that Alice knows already- Thena said to the others

-And what are we going to do with Bella? -Esme asked, damn it they didn't think about that, but Stephen gift start doing his work

-You two gave her tickets to go to visit her mom, then that she used that, and she doesn't get in our way -Stephen explain

Athena and the others nod their heads in agreement- Then end your things and when the three come back we go hunting, Thena, Stephen are you coming with us? -Carlisle asked

-No, it's our week of human blood, and with that, we can be faster -Stephen explains

-Okay, let's prepare- he ends the conversation

-Carlisle? -Thena said in a soft voice which was something weir on her, he turn to see her with an eyebrow raised -Do you mind if I don't go with all of you

-Why? Does something happen? -he asks with worry

-No, is just that, well I need to do a big spell tomorrow, is a blood moon, and is the only way that I can do it with enough energy

-A spell? The one that you said the last few days? -the alpha asked with confusion

-Yes -she answer with the most innocent smile that she could give

-I'm staying with you- he said- we are hunting today


Stephen look at her and she knew that it was not going to work so she have to tell him tomorrow -Fine but eat then go hunting

Hours later and the pair were hunting when Jasper, Alice, and Edward came home, the others explain the plan and they agree, they were curious because they had never seen her do magic, so they want to be there for her, what they don't know is that the Volturi's are coming as well, is a surprise for everyone, when the night came Athena force Stephen to sleep telling him that he will need the energy, she also sleeps for orders of Sera, even when they are going to be there and the blood moon helps she needs energy because she can faint after the spell, of course, she is not going to hear the end of the talk later but for her, it all be worth it to see her family again, thanks to Sera Athena could sleep all night.

The next morning Stephen woke up first then his wife, that day his wolf was excited and worried at the same time he was pretty sure that the spell that Athena was going to do was going to put her at risk, he didn't like the feeling of losing her again, he hugged her against him, he smells the scent that drives him crazy, he put little kisses in her face to wake her up, she smiles at him when she saw him, they kissed with pure love, when they separate Stephen sight- Are you going to be okay with this?

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