🌪️𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓥𝓸𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓪🌪️

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December, January, February. . . The moths passed and Athena already dominated all kinds of magic for February, it took her a month and a half to learn everything that she need in witchcraft, her favorites until now, the normal witchcraft and the astral magic, the things in Volterra were pretty calm, and that was something that they enjoy, all of them were in the throne room, Felix and Demetri talking close to the doors, Stephen next to Caius talking with kings, thanks to his work during those few months he was practically another king and Caius was very proud to see that he was going to follow his footsteps, while the triplet was together with Sera and Nagini behind Athena, when a gasp coming from Athena call their attention, Jane and Alec took her arms in case she loses balance

Isabella jumped into the water and did not get out of the water

Thena came back to reality with everyone seeing her -Looks like the human is not a problem anymore -she walked toward Aro and put her hand on his, she turn to the others while Aro start seeing the few vision that she had that day -The human jump of a cliff, more stupid she can not be -Thena explain to the others

-She is just a problem, I'm glad she is dead fewer problems for us -Stephen said, and the others had to agree, then another vision came to her, while Aro had her hand so he was pulled into the vision with her

Alice goes to Forks, she is in the car and comes to the human's house and everything is black

-Alice is going to see if she is alive -Athena answer with an eye roll

-It was obvious, she told the mind reader what would happen, and see she was right -Stephen explain

-Does she not have some self-respect? -Jane asked in disgust

-No sister and from what Alice and Rose told me, she sends emails to Alice telling her how much it hurts and how lonely she is, and that the pain is the only thing that makes her realize that we were real, or he was real, that now that she was alone she had no one to talk and all that drama -Athena said in disgust just like Jane

-I don't understand what is the thing with her -Felix said

-We neither understand -Stephen responds- But what I know is that they are no mates, mates don't do that, leave her mate just like that, the pain is horrible

-Stephen is right, thanks to master Marcus I could recognize the line between them is obvious is just his blood singer -Athena explain

-Is just amazing how stupid can be the boy -Caius scoff

-Tell us, master, we had to see that in the front row -the alpha said rolling his eyes

-But why in hell he would go just for his blood singer? -Demetri asked in confusion

-Loneliness I guess -Athena respond with a bored face

-Yeah but look at you, you were without a mate for decades and then you meet him -he responds back

-Yes they are a case, but is because they both decided that they were going to wait for each other -Marcus explains

Athena and Stephen nod their heads in agreement and smile at each other, before going back to being emotionless -And not all vampire can stay too much without their mate, so when they found their blood singer they confused each other -Marcus end to explain

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