Chapter 7

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Tori's POV:

It only has been a few months since I left hospital and I'm so content with where I am at right now! Of course me and Andrew are still going strong and we're cutie than ever. I love him so much! Suddenly, I look down at my phone and it starts ringing. Kamari's caller ID pops up, I smile as I pick. "Hey Torz! So listen girl, I'm having this huge party tonight! Do you and Andrew wanna come? By the way the party starts at 8:00." Kamari chirps. I nod my head in agreement, "Sure Kamari we'd love too go! I'll make sure to be look my best and Andrew always looks sexy anyway! Ok Bye see you at 8:00!"

After I hung up, I call Andrew. After a few rings he picks up. "Hey beautiful! what's up Hun?" "Well, if you must know.. Kamari invited us to a party that she's throwing tonight! Do you wanna go with me?" I ask him. I can hear the excitement in his voice, "Yes Babe! I would love too! I'll pick you up at 7:30 ok?" I smile, "Okie dokie! I'll see you at 7:30 then!" the call ends just like that.

Andrew's POV:

I can't wait for this party tonight! Tori is gonna look absolutely stunning in whatever she's wearing! Oh man, I gotta wear my best clothes for her! I only have an hour before I have to pick her up. I grab my towel and get ready to head to the bathroom to get ready, when suddenly I hear my phone ring. It's Aj, oh great what does he want? 

I answer with an attitude, "hello? what do you want Aj?" I ask him rudely. "Well, I heard that you and Tori are going to that party tonight, is that true?" he asks. "What does it matter to you anyway? Why do you care? Frankly, it's none of your business!" I reply in anger. "I care because I'm going to that party and guess what punk? I'm gonna steal your girl, Tori is gonna be mine by tonight haha" He says coldly. I chuckle at his statement, "Over my dead body! She's loves me, not you. So it would be best if you back off because if you lay one finger on my sweet little angel, you're dead! Understand?" and with that I hang up.

Tori's POV:

It's about 7:20 now so I'm almost ready. As I put on the finishing touches of my outfit and makeup, I get text from Andrew:"Hey princess! I'm outside!" I smile as I grab my clutch and head downstairs. When I get in the car, Andrew looks so handsome! He's wearing a tan jacket with a light blue suit and black loafers. "Wow! You look.... amazing Andrew!", he smiles "Why thank you madam! You look quite elegant yourself." When we pull into the parking lot he gets out, opens my door and gets on one knee to kiss my hand. I blush madly as I grab his hand.

When we go inside, there are tons of people drinking, eating and socializing. Then I finally spot Kamari talking to some guys. Me and Andrew walk over to her happily. "Hey well if it isn't Mr. and Ms. Garcia! So glad you guys could make it !" Kamari says as we walk up to her. Me and Kamari sit at a table and start talking about our lives because we have not talked in a while. "Sooo how are you and Mr. loverboy doing?" she asks me. I blush instantly, '"Well me and him are closer than ever. I want to seriously marry him!" I say honestly.

Aj's POV:

Ok I'm ready to crash this party! I go around the hall near the back door and the hold the gun near the crack of the door. Surprisingly it's open, so I open it softly and enter the room. I hide behind one of the tables so no one will see me. I look around for Tori but I don't see her. I aim for the celling to knock out one of the lights hanging from the celling and I pull the trigger. All lights die out.

Andrew's POV:

Last time I checked Aj never had a gun. But I know he was up to something. It's pitch dark inside and I can't find nor see Tori anywhere. Once the gun shot goes off everyone starts screaming. I start screaming"Tori! Tori where are you?" I hear her call my name "Andrew! I'm here! I'm afraid!", I follow her voice until i'm in her arms again. 

Aj's POV:

"Well isn't Andrew and his little damn no good girlfriend Tori." I turn the stage lights so everyone can see me. I hold the gun out towards everyone so they know that they mean business. "No one will get hurt, no don't worry no will get hurt. Unless I get what I want. And I want Tori. So hand her over Andrew or else you die.

(To be continued)

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