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I'm Nkosiyabo Zulu one of the most successful buisness men in the country even though i was in prison i was at the top of the list. Well i'm your typical zulu man if I'm really typical. I'm from a strong ancestral family which contains us having beasts in our body. Growing up my family always had money but my father didn't belive in giving his money to us (not cause his greedy or stingy) he believed we had to work hard to earn our own money. I worked so hard to have this life which i'm impressed about i am not gonna lie and say i'm not happy in being part of the gang cause i am really happy.i kinda convinced Una to join our gang and she said she wanna think about it so today I am meeting my brother to talk about it. I really hope they agree

Me:" so guys i have something we need to discuss about ".

Lindo: " talk i have a woman at home i need to attend to her". Fulu is driving him crazy i see.

Me: "well i kind of convinced Una to do buisness with us as in underground buisness ".

Ndabezitha :" thank God you come to your senses I've been dying for this to happen our business is going to bloom we going to be the best".

Lindo: "so wena Ndabe you wanna use my friend ". The bond Una and Lindo share hau i myslef cant break it.

Ndabe: "i want to apologise to her but i can't put the right words. Y'all need to understand i wanted to protect her but i learned she can do that". They already protective over her.

Me: "all you need to do is apologise to her then it's all sorted ".

Siphe: "what about Lorenzo".

Me: "ohh you here i didn't know". His always quiet when it comes to buisness talk but when it comes to talking about ourselves not involving business he engages alot. "Let's let him slide if we see his giving us problems we need to wipe him out".

Siphe: "i have a feeling his going to give us problems ".

Me: " gents let me head out i wanna make her my woman tonight and i wanna make love and fuck her at the same time"

Lindo: "dont worry she'll tell me detail to detail how bad you were in bed tomorrow ". I click mu tongue and leave i hear them laughing. I wish i could have just took out Spova infront of them to show them it's bigger than theirs they just got leftovers from mine.

Driving to Una's place is really not a mission it's 20 minutes away from mine next time she'll be living 3 seconds away from me. I text her telling he I'm outside she must come out . After 10 minutes she gets out and enters in my car this woman's walk is so strong it even intimidates me .

Una: "Nkosiyabo".

Me: "i told you i'm babe or love or daddy to you but not daddy what will out beautiful kids call me". She laughs now that's my job as her man.

Una: "i cant be calling a boy or man i'm not dating pet names"

Me: "who said we not dating its now a month and a few weeks with us being together ".

Una: "i don't remember you asking me to date you". She looks confused.

Me: "i didn't have to ask i kissed you so that meant your mine my lips don't just land on another female's lips".

Una: "yoh hectic . So i told Lorenzo i'm out and am in with you guys".

Me: "for real?". She nodds. "Thats the reason your my queen ". I said hugging the life out of her and she ended up sitting on my lap.

Una: " and 4 of my customers reached out to me they want to do business with us".

Me: "so fast love".

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