15. Major Fuckup

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It had been a major fuckup. 

In the moment he'd seen Kay, Kyle completely forgot what he was supposed to be doing as every cell in his body fought to get to her. There was no doubt in his mind that it had been her, not a hallucination. After all, hallucinations didn't run.

And if he hadn't stumbled over wires and speakers and plummeted off the stage like a fucking sack of potatoes, he would've caught her, too. Because it became just too obvious why she'd bolted.

She'd seen the posters and he'd had no time to warn her or explain. Once he'd finally managed to get outside, fighting his way through masses of crazed fans, she was long gone. And he was left to pick up the pieces of a ruined concert. Honestly, being back into their hotel room was a blessing even if he ached to go out and look for Kay. He'd search the whole city if he had to. Because the moment he'd laid eyes on her again, it felt like someone had turned the light on inside his life again.

His heart was beating wildly, there was warmth inside him, and hope. So much hope that, in spite of everything and the mess he'd made, he'd at least found her. Saw her again, even for a moment. And he'd fix this. He'd somehow make it up to her. She was definitely worth it, just for the way in which she breathed life into him.

How? How had he been able to be without her for so long, function as if nothing had happened, as if his heart didn't bleed for her? But now, he had the chance to turn that around and do what he should've done in the first place. Run off with her and damn the rest of the world.

Whoa, there. Maybe not exactly damn the rest of the world, but be with her and be happy. They could make it work. Somehow.

Jessie came in, interrupting his pacing and his plans for a brighter future. The look on her face was a dead giveaway that it hadn't gone much better with Jimmy.

"What happened?" he asked.

"He said I don't owe him any explanation and that I should just leave him alone." Her voice was even. Broken. She walked over to the nearest armchair and curled up into it.

Kyle winced. He could see Jimmy's point, but if she didn't owe him anything, why not just listen. "And you didn't tell him?"

"Honestly, I saw no point. We're leaving here." She seemed to catch herself. "I'm leaving here. I'd be leaving him with something to use against me out of spite."

Damn right. Kyle wasn't going anywhere unless Kay was coming with him. Which most definitely didn't look plausible at the moment. But he'd find her and explain.

"Do you want me to have a talk with him?" Kyle asked. Because if there were any chances to throw a punch or two, he was game. Throwing them at someone who hurt Jessie was just an added bonus.

She just shook her head, her gaze glassy.

This sucked. He really wanted to go out and search, preferably with her. Would that be insensitive or did she need a distraction? The whole thing was messed up and sad, anyway. How had she become so attached to what was basically a stranger? 

"I think I can finally write my broken heart songs," she whispered, as if guessing his thoughts.

"Jessie, no."

"Yes." She wiped a tear away. "I know it's stupid. So stupid. We didn't even do much. We... But he was there, you know. He knew who I was and he didn't want to use me in some way."


This drew a smile out of her. "You don't count. I basically kidnapped you. But him... He was just... Different, I guess. As lame as that sounds. He saw the worst part of me and took it in stride. He then saw the less worst part and seemed to like it. He was so honest."

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