23. History Repeating

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Just like the first time, it was impossible for Kay to spend the concert with Jimmy in the tech room, unable to hear the music, see Kyle performing again. She'd missed that part of their relationship, too. The person he became when he was on stage, mesmerizing everyone around him.

"Don't you want to hear them sing?" she asked, tapping his foot to the distorted rhythm of the music.

"I actually do now," Jimmy answered, tweaking another dial. "When I took the job, I didn't really care for it. But now that I know them, I am curious."

"I have no idea about Jessie, but Kyle is amazing. I actually saw him at one of his concerts for the first time." Saw his face at least, because unbeknownst to her, she'd seen him before, even snapped at him.

It only amused him, set the basis for a relationship where he took all her weirdness and prissiness in stride and she repeatedly embarrassed herself until she could finally own up to who she was.

Someone who could be better. Someone who could be honest with herself. Someone who was in love with every single part of him.

"You guys sure have one hell of a story," Jimmy said with a smile.

"Honestly, I think we all do. I mean the way you and Jessie met and then came to where you are in such a short time..." The 'without being oblivious idiots' was heavily implied.

He pursed his lips as if he found the whole thing both hilarious and worrisome. "I guess I plunged right in once again. Let's hope this time works out better than the last."

Kay hoped so, too, though she had a very hard time imagining Jimmy looking at someone else the way he did at Jessie. And despite their slightly rocky start, Kay had to admit that she liked Jessie.

She was definitely smart and brave and talented. And she loved and cared for Kyle in a way that was truly platonic, not the bullshit Kay had going on with him. She looked after him, and Kay would be forever grateful for that. Yes, there was a seed of deep friendship there, and she wanted to explore it.

"I think I'm going to go out and listen after all."

Jimmy hesitated for a moment. "Okay, but please stay in the back. If someone recognizes you, it could get messy."

Kay wasn't sure if anyone could recognize her as long as Kyle didn't topple off the stage to get to her, but she guessed it was better if he didn't see her and become distracted. So she stepped out of the tech room and headed into the heart of the venue. The instruments were much clearer, and soon enough she could hear Kyle's voice.

As promised, she stuck to the edge of the room and finally found a safe corner at the back. Then, with her position secured, she could finally admire the show. God, she'd missed seeing Kyle on stage, even if she was much too far for her liking.

When they were back in Texas, she and Kelly had always sat or stood upfront at every concert courtesy of Joey who liked to shower his girlfriend with attention. It was an unbelievable perk for Kay who just enjoyed the show and avoided the embarrassment. She missed that, being the number one groupie, but since there was an Uncaged reunion on the horizon, as well as the prospect of going on tour, she was giddy rather than nostalgic.

Though, Jessie was amazing as well, Kay had to give her that. She played her guitar with as much ease as Kyle and the two of them had managed to find the perfect way in which to harmonize their voices. Tom and Angie brought the show together, him with his obvious flourish on the drums and her with flawless backing vocals.

They were all so talented and she longed to be part of that. She'd never been great at singing, but she wasn't hopeless either. Maybe with a little practice she could be good enough for backing vocals, too. Then she could be up there with everyone, part of the show. And what a show it was. No wonder everyone was bobbing up and down with excitement.

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