33. Confusion

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Kyle wasn't sure what to do with himself.

Of course he couldn't be mad at Tom for sneaking Angie and Kay along for the ride. Once it was confirmed they were there, he had to admit he would've felt disappointed if they wouldn't have at least tried to join them. Besides, Jessie was their friend, too, and they had every right to want to help her. As much as any of them.

So yes, obviously, Kay would be coming along. What he'd said to her didn't change the fact that she was free and independent and could do whatever she damn well pleased. Being in a tight space with him included.

How had he failed to sense her lily perfume when now it seemed to be overwhelming him? Things didn't improve as they reached the airport and got their tickets. Fortunately, they managed to find a quick flight out of there and to LA. Unfortunately, they still had some waiting to do and he had no idea how to handle that.

Kay was a pro. She sat with Angie, the two of them sharing a bag of chips. Tom and Jimmy had gone exploring since they'd never been in an airport before. And he was left standing like a moron, staring at the girl that used to be his and now wasn't because life just sucked.

After a while, he realized he'd been staring straight at Kay and she was actually watching him back. Great, now she'd think he was taking back what he said. Which he desperately wanted to do, but it wasn't going to happen. Her coming along didn't change anything, maybe just made things a tad more difficult. Torturous. The word he was looking for was torturous.

She raised her eyebrows and then the bag of chips in her hand. "Chips?"

"Yeah, sure." Wanting chips was better than staring. So he walked over, grabbed a handful and stuffed it in his mouth. He couldn't even feel the taste.

Kay sighed and shook her head then stood and took the step left to reach him. "You're so silly," she said as if he was exasperating. Then she started wiping the crumbs off the front of his t-shirt. Then the ones probably left on his lips.

Her movements became very slow and her eyes wouldn't leave his mouth. His body tensed as he fought the urge to lean over and kiss her. That would clean him up effectively. But he wouldn't. He'd stand this.

She was obviously doing this on purpose, running her thumb over his lower lip. She parted her own lips, raising her eyes to look at him. Nope, he couldn't do this. But then again, he had to. For her safety.

"Damn," she whispered. "You're good."

"So are you." The words were barely audible.

"Not good enough, apparently."

She was. A million times over, she definitely was. Another moment and he'd lose it, damn all his senses and just kiss her, even if one last time. But he wouldn't do that to her, wouldn't give her mixed signals. He'd made a decision and it was still the right one.

"Our flight is ready to board," Angie said from somewhere behind them, breaking the spell.

Kay turned towards her, confused. Being out from under her gaze, he could step away and do something productive, like look for Tom and Jimmy. Fortunately, they appeared right on time and the five of them could board their flight without incident. Once they were seated, he could finally relax. He sat next to Jimmy and Tom while Angie and Kay took the seats in front of them. This way, he could at least stare all he wanted without her catching him.

"You've got it bad," Tom mumbled.

"I've had it bad for months," he mumbled back. "Unfortunately, reason and some words are not going to change that."

"Love is hard, isn't it?" Tom asked, looking at Jimmy as well as he said this.

"Tell me about it." Jimmy heaved a sigh. "I just wish we'd get there faster."

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