34. Moving Forward

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Even if Jessie had managed to safe herself, it didn't make things less complicated or dangerous. After hearing the story of how she'd gotten out and what she'd found, Jimmy had to deploy very complex calming breaths to not fly off the handle and go set fire to her house.

Those abusive assholes had made her life hell just so that they could get her money. And what was worse was that they'd lied to her about it and pretended they were her real parents, denying her of knowing she'd been truly loved by the people who had given her life.

Everyone was rightfully outraged by the news and Kyle even had to go and walk off his anger. Jimmy hadn't had that luxury because he wanted to be there for Jessie through all this. It was amazing how she was the one trying to get them to calm down, feel better.

She was amazing.

And for that, he had to make sure that she got away and would be safe. So they'd booked tickets to Chicago, then went shopping and she'd changed from her concert outfit to a large jeans paird with one of Kyle's hoodies. With her hair covered and large sunglasses on, she'd managed to go unrecognized and they'd safely reached their gate.

"You're still angry," she observed as they sat at one of the tables near the waiting area.

"Of course I am. Those morons actually had you kidnapped to scare you into making more money for them! They lied to you your entire life." And he should really shut up.

His tirade drew a small smile out of her. "Is it weird that I'm actually happy they're not my parents?"

"No, it's not. I'm just--" He sighed. "You're taking it so well. You're so strong."

She hummed. "Strange, I felt the same way about you when you took finding Kyle and your family so well."

"I haven't seen my parents yet." Hell, he wasn't even sure he wanted to. Sam and Jerry, of course. His mother and father... Not so much.

"I'm sure you'll handle it gracefully, like you did everything in your life so far."

It was strange that he actually believe her. She made him feel so much better than he actually was.

"Now I need to disappear until I turn eighteen," she said with a sigh.

"Then what do you plan on doing?"

"Come back and get my money and my company. There's no way I'm letting those assholes keep my parents' stuff. They probably thought that I'd just get married and fuck off on tour and they could then forge my signature or something and get all my money."

Yes, that did sound like something her parents would do. "So this whole plot was to actually get rid of you?"

"Weird, isn't it? They could've simply assassinated me."

The thought made him shudder because the possibility was too real. "Don't say that. If you were dead, I would've never met you." And his life would've been so much emptier for it.

Jessie smirked. "That would've been a real waste."

"You can say that again." She didn't, instead just watching him. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing. It's just so amazing that you guys came from me, that all it took was one location from a random number to bring you here. I've never had anyone caring about me that much."

It broke his heart that it was probably true. "Well, now you do. You have great friends and you have..."

Her smile brightened as he stumbled over his words. "You?"

"Yes, me." It was obvious. Then why did he have a knot in his stomach? He'd never felt so nervous in his life. It only made him talk more. "I was so worried about you. And felt so guilty that I couldn't so more."

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