21. DNA

587 51 24

It was so hard to focus.

Kay was definitely saying something, her lips were moving, but all he could do was analyze their shape, long for their taste. The fact that she was still naked wasn't helping at all.



She grinned at him. "You didn't hear a word I said, did you?"

She knew him well. He pursed his lips, not wanting to admit it even if she was right. With a sigh, she picked up his t-shirt off the floor and pulled it over her head.


Nope, not at all. Seeing her wearing his clothes made everything seem more real. All he could focus on now was taking the t-shirt off.

"Jimmy and Jessie will be here," she said, the words rare and pointed. "With Tom and Angie so that you can confirm he looks like Sam."

Oh, right. That. And Jimmy and Jessie had definitely done enough by staying out all night. He needed to focus. They had enough time to throw clothes around once they got their own room.

"Okay, yes. Copy that." And he rolled out of bed and put clothes on. When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw her in the same position, pouting. "What? Wasn't this what I was supposed to be doing?"

"I guess. I mean, yes, of course. But..." She let out a disappointed groan.

Well, at least they were on the same page. So he leaned across the bed and planted a kiss on her lips. "We'll get back to it. Let's just fix some stuff first."

"True." She began searching for her own clothes on the floor. "And what we have to fix isn't easy at all."

She could say that again, but it didn't really matter because they were together again so whatever it was could suck it.

They'd just managed to make themselves presentable and arrange the bed when there was a knock on the door.

"You don't have to knock," he called.

"That's not true," Jessie called back, the amusement in her voice obvious.

Kyle's stomach did a weird summersault at the thought of seeing Tom. This was already weird enough, having a Jerry looking alike he actually liked, but Sam was different. Sam was his baby brother and Kyle loved him.

His nerves were unfounded since Jessie was alone. She looked exhausted, and he was even more grateful for her sacrifice.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah." She plopped into her usual armchair, massaging her forehead. Her current posture was a long way from how she'd curled up into it last time.

"You look exhausted," Kay noticed.

Jessie glanced at her between her fingers and grinned. "So do you."

Kay blushed but grinned back and Kyle was very grateful that they seemed to like each other.

"I actually did get some sleep."

"I'm fine. I just had a bit too much beer."

This was interesting. "Jimmy took you out drinking?"

"Initially, no. He took me to a park which was fine and dandy until the paparazzi caught us." Jessie groaned and Kyle could definitely relate. "Macy's going to kill us. First you and Kay, now Jimmy and me."

"Maybe they'll run with a revenge story?" Kay suggested. "And then you can have a grand making up."

"Huh, that's actually not a bad idea." Jessie straightened in the armchair. "Maybe we could he all apologetic during tonight's concert?"

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