chapter 38

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The sounds of blaster fire and explosions was heard as screams of men can be heard in the distant. On the planet of Mygeeto the separatist and republic had made a large scale attack against each other and the terrans had just arrived a few hours ago.

In just those few hours it had been a complete slaughter for the three forces because so much was happening all at once and the thunderstorms across the planet was making everyone's situation even worse.

No one had full control of the sky's because both the separatist and republic ships were hidden in the clouds while fighting each other instead of doing it in space. Because of fear of missing their shots and possibly hitting civilians or friendlies down below. The terrans had decided to send only the bombers and fighters for now.

Although the terrans fleet was in no danger the men on the planet as well as any fighters down below were going through absolute hell. There were numerous marines, odst, and a handful of Spartans down below with most of the Spartans being Spartan-IV while one team was consisted of Spartan-II.

Even though the terrans were completely destroying their forces, the separatist and republic seemed to have the troops to keep on replacing them. The only reason the terrans movements were halted for the moment was because both sides were concentrating most of their forces where the terrans were at.

This entire battle was because of what resources the planet had in it's mines.
Mygeeto was a mining place for various crystals in the galaxy and the separatist had invaded the planet to take control over them. This in turn caused the republic to send a large fleet to stop them, but the fighting had pretty much turned into a stalemate once the two sides were basically throwing hordes of troops at each other.

Back on the ground a overturned warhog was seen with one of the wheels completely blown off as well as two marines dead along side it. They were on a bridge as explosions and gunfire was seen up ahead on a large platform connecting three bridges together in the middle where one of the many fights were taking place in the area.

A few feet away from the vehicle a Spartan laying near it was seen unmoving as his comms can be heard with multiple people yelling.

"There's too many of them! There coming from all sides! We have to pull back!" A voice says desperately as the sounds of fighting can be heard near him.

"2nd battalion you have to hold your position over the bridge at all cost or they will have a foothold on us. Hold your position!" An officer from one of the Terran ships in space says.

While they continue to talk the Spartan that was on the ground slowly gets up before he stumbles kneeling on the ground trying to get his senses back. When he does he picks his rifle up that was on the ground before looking up as he sees multiple artillery heading his way.

Putting his weapon on his back he takes something out getting ready to activate it as he continues to look up in the cloudy sky.

"Does anyone has eyes on chief?" Another voice says.

The comms goes silent before the same marine asking for help is heard.

"Negative...I think we lost him."

"Not yet." Master chief says to them before pressing a button on the device before throwing it on the ground.

Once he throws it down a small shield activates around him bracing himself just as the artillery hits sending the warhog that was near him flying behind him. Once the explosions are gone along with the shield, chief takes off towards the battle as he takes his weapon off his back.

Dodging some of the stray blaster fire and explosions he jumps directly in the battlefield taking out a line of droids as he starts his massacre on them.

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