Chapter 49

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Waneta was walking aimlessly around thinking to herself. She wanted to stay here and be a part of the family she always wanted. Yet, she knew that she couldn't. She still had things that needed to be done. And her mother's voice was still echoing in her head.

Her thoughts didn't last long until the sounds of glass breaking was sounded out throughout the building she was in. Quickly running towards where the commotion was coming from it lead her to a giant room where two large holes were broken. It looked as if someone was thrown through it.

"You are too weak for me, old man. You mean nothing to me anymore." A voice said as what sounded like lighting was heard.

Waneta eyes go wide as she hears the painful grunts of the father as she ran outside and was surprised to see Anakin and obi-wan still here. She had thought they had left already.

"What is going on!" Waneta shouts as she moves past Anakin and obi-wan to see the son electrocuting the father.

The daughter was on the ground and made no movement to get back up. It seemed the son was destroying all of them.

Taking out both of her lightsabers without hesitation she gets ready to throw one of them right at the son while he was distracted.

"Waneta wait!" Obi-wan shouts but it was too late as her lightsaber flies towards the son.

Without even looking he uses the force to levitate her saber inches from him as he makes sure the father wasn't going to get back up. Turning around he grabs the lightsaber and inspects it as waneta gets even closer to him. He deactivates the weapon before tossing it back to her with a serious face.

"To think all this time a being like you was running about right under us. And father didn't even bother to tell me."

"From the looks of it, he did it for a good reason. You've embraced the dark side. Letting it consume you. Attacking your own father and sister. What is wrong with you?"

He let's out a small laugh almost like he was mocking her. "And what would you know about having a father? Nevertheless a sane parent." He says causing Waneta to wince.

That was when Waneta noticed Ashoka who was holding a blade. Her face was darkened and her eyes were a bright yellow. Waneta was able to sense the dark side corrupting her.

"Ashoka? What did he do to you!?" She says with anger.

Ashoka either didn't hear her or just ignored her because she jumped in the air with the blade as she landed closely to the son.

"Give it to me, child." The son says.

"Ahsoka, no!" Anakin shouts as Ashoka looks back at him.

She gave him an evil smirk before quickly handing the son the blade as she backed up little. It seemed she had no desire to listen to anyone but the son.

"Thank you. Your usefulness has come to an end." He quietly says before touching her head.

Ashoka's eyes rolls in the back of her head and she falls down on the ground unmoving. Anakin not taking to well runs towards him shouting.


With a wave of his hand he sends the aggressive Jedi sprawling on the ground. The son then gets ready to turn towards his father but he didn't think that Waneta would do something because she came flying at him with one of her lightsabers getting ready to strike him down.

Quickly stepping to the side he grabs her hand that was holding her weapon and tosses her to the side before hitting her with force lightning.

Landing on her feet she brings her hands up and redirects the lighting much to the surprise of the son as he applies more pressure on her knocking her back. It wasn't long until this constant barrage on her was too much and she was overwhelmed.

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