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Ajax pursed his lips, his hands trembling from the force he was exerting to keep them clenched into fists. He swallowed hard, the courtroom being practically silent as the judge seemed to be making a decision. He glanced sideways at the lawyer assigned to him, who had done a pathetic job of trying to "defend him". Ajax averted his gaze to those involved in the case: a woman with long hair, albino except at the ends, looking at him sternly. Next to her was a man with brown hair and golden eyes, also watching him. There were more police officers, and he could see one trying to comfort a widow; who looked up to watch him with hatred, tears streaming down her face. The rest of the victim's relatives looked at him in the same way, their eyes bloodshot, an aura of contempt and thirst for revenge emanating from those people.

Ajax's chest heaved. Why was everyone looking at him that way? Before entering the trial the woman yelled at him, calling him a monster and trying to attack him. The police prevented that, but the scene was etched in Ajax's mind and the events were repeated over and over again.

He hadn't done anything.

Ajax turned around, looking for his family among the seated people. He met his gaze with his father, who was hugging his mother; the soft sobs left his mother's throat digging into his chest like daggers.

He hadn't killed anyone.

Ajax looked at the chains that bound him to the floor, his hands cuffed as well as his feet. He was a criminal in the eyes of all those people, and those bindings were a constant reminder. He was bound as if he were a beast, something that had to be contained at all costs. He gritted his teeth until he heard them crack, ignoring the urge to cry that had been accompanying him since he stepped foot in the room. Scaramouche and Dottore had betrayed him, had testified against him knowing he was innocent. Why did they do that, were they not friends? No, that didn't matter, they never have been friends. They both knew he hadn't killed anyone, they had no reason to testify against him even if they had gotten along badly, but they still did it. They were traitorous liars, because of them and the filthy system his life was ruined.

Or maybe it was his fault too? It wasn't quite clear to him, but at that moment he could only rant against others. After all, he seemed to be the only one who knew the truth —although many more people were knowledgeable, of that he was sure.

He watched as the judge wobbled his head to the side until he finally looked up from the documents, his eyes locking on him.

"I have made a decision," he announced, his voice reverberating in the great room, drawing the attention of everyone present. "Ajax Volkov," he began. "You're accused of the serial murders of Chan'Er, Guan Hong, Hanxue, Jiangzhou, Ling, and Vlad," Ajax began to feel the shackles weighing him down, the judge's words falling on his shoulders. "After reviewing the police reports and incriminating evidence, the jury has decided in this latest trial," he adjusted his glasses, raising his chin a little. "You are found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Your family will have to pay compensation to the family's victims," Ajax's stomach turned, his eyes widening as he heard the result. But then again, what was he surprised about?

His mother's cries were more audible, filling the gap of sound that had formed.

Ajax's breathing quickened, his heart pounding in his chest. Life sentence? It was impossible, that couldn't be happening to him. He was only eighteen, how could they lock him up for the rest of his life for murders he hadn't even committed?

"I'm innocent!" He cried out overwhelmed, his throat forming a tight knot, tears beginning to gather in the corners of his eyes. "I didn't kill anyone, there must be a mistake..." He looked back desperately, looking to his family for support, smiling slightly as he found eye contact with his parents. All he found were distant, terrified looks. As if they weren't looking at their son, but at a monster. Ajax's smile disappeared as he met his parents' eyes, and he quickly glanced at the rest of his siblings. The older ones looked at him saddened and afraid, while the younger ones looked frightened and confused. Still, there was no pity in their expressions. His head began to spin, noticing the gaze of all the people on him.

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