11. Last Friday Night

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Next day...

I get up at 7am to get ready myself, then I go to knock on Mr. Soot's door down the hall. He opens it and says, "Already getting prepared." "Perfect," I replied. I knock on Mr. Skeppy's door and he doesn't open it. I knock again and say, "Mr. Skeppy?" Again, no answer. 

I do have a backup card for his room in case something happens. I go into my room, get that card, and open his door. I say, "Mr. Skeppy, I'm coming in." I walk in to see him sleeping in his bed. I open the blinds in his room that have a view of the city. 

I look outside: cars on the streets, people going to work, birds flying in the air, etc. "Is it 7:30 already?" I hear Skeppy say. I turn around and say, "Yes sir." He says, "I should get up then." He gets out of bed and I accidentally stare...downwards. 

I say, "I'm so sorry sir for intruding, I'll leave right away!" I start walking out the room and he looks around, "What?" He looks down to see he's in his boxers. He covers himself saying, "The temperature got a bit too hot last night!" I say, "I'm sorry again sir." 

I close the door behind me and go to my room. I slap myself in the face, "I should've just kept pounding the door till he woke up." It's 7:55 so Mr. Soot, Mr. Skeppy, and I go to the lobby. I say, "There's a taxi waiting for us." They nod and we go on ahead. 

I sit in the front while the other two sit in the back. We start driving and Mr. Skeppy notices we took a different turn. He says, "Weren't we supposed to go that way?" I respond, "Sleep isn't the only thing humans need, also some food to keep you alive and healthy." 

Mr. Soot asks, "Ooo what are we going to eat?" "There's a place just around this corner," I reply. We get there and go inside. Mr. Skeppy says, "We could've been at Incite by now." I say, "We have all evening to fix the problem and get ready for the opening sir." He sighs, "I suppose." 

We get seats at a table on the patio of this cute breakfast and lunch restaurant. We order different things for the table: pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit plate, etc. And we get mimosas to drink on the side. 

After finishing breakfast, we go to Incite. I follow Mr. Skeppy around and he tries to prepare things for the opening of our new supermarket today; well it officially opens tomorrow, but tonight is an event to show different brands what we've made and have their products stocked in our stores. 

It's been hours of just walking, talking, planning, organizing, etc. Until the time reaches 4:30. Mr. Skeppy says, "Bad, we need to go get new suits done immediately. Find a nearby good tailor." I nod, "Yes sir." Mr. Soot says, "I'm coming along as well." 

Mr. Skeppy asks, "Don't you have another suit already?" Mr. Soot shrugs, "I do, but why not more?" I say, "I'll call an Uber right now to take us." We go to a tailor and get new suits for the event. By the time our suits are altered to fit like a glove, it's become 6pm. 

We go to the event hall and Mr. Skeppy starts prepping for a small speech of the project. Mr. Soot also starts prepping to say, "And now let's raise a toast to our new business partnerships!" Literally just that sentence...

Guests come in, a bunch of different brands from worldwide that Mr. Skeppy talks to since he's been trying to learn many different languages. Mr. Skeppy whispers to me, "Does my tie look right?" I take a look and whisper back, "Yes sir." 

He nods, "Great. You might want to adjust yours Bad." I look down at my tie and say, "Oh, I'm sorry." I tighten and straighten it and he says, "No need to say sorry to me all the time Bad." I nod, "Yes sir." 

He says, "Also, you don't have to call me sir all the time. Here is fine because this is a business event, but otherwise just say Skeppy or no need to refer to me at all even." I nod, "Ok Skeppy." He smiles, "Now let's go talk to Mr. Vurb and see if his branch is doing good." I smile, "Yes." 

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