Chapter 18

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Matt's POV
I wake up to Rebecca banging on the door and I have a box in my hand. Suddenly Rebecca opens the door. "Rebecca!" "Matt, where were you?" "Last thing I remember you were going down in the abandoned tunnel?" "Yeah, I just got trapped and we had to figure out what the background was on one of my music videos and then I had to knock and that's how I got out, where did you go?" "I don't know, I don't know where we're at right now. All I remember is like this mist, it smelled like peppermint." "Okay." "And I fell asleep. Just woke up to you banging on that door." "Did somebody take you?" "Honestly, I don't know." "Do you guys know what happened? Where are we Matt?"

"Feels like we're back in the workshop again. Look at all this, this is the same wrapping paper that we saw on the box in the other room." "The mystery box, that's what Santa's Little Helper wrapped in. What if this is part of Santa's Little Helper's workshop? What is this?"

Rebecca picks up a metal heart intertwined with a metal square. "All these buttons here everything's a little fuzzy right now." "Four D." "Look there's also little tiny feet here." "Yeah, that Santa's Little Helper was a lot shorter than the Game Master. It has to be someone that's tiny or a lot shorter." "And I also have this mystery box." "Okay." "It's like a treasure chest, we need to actually..." "yeah, we found this but we don't have a key for it, we'll have to figure out where the key is." "Let us know in the comment section down below if you know where the key's at."

"Well Matt, we have to figure out how to get out, look there's a door!" "Yeah, get it, open it!" "It's locked." "It looks like we're underground still look at all these rocks." "There's surveillance cameras!" "Do you think the Game Master is spying on us?" "I think the Game Master is still overlooking this area right now. How did you get out of that room?" "Matt, I just told you." "I don't know what that mist did." "Well, what's in here?"

We open the wardrobe and there's a wall with a bunch of symbols on it. "Whoa!" "Look there's all these symbols and codes." "This is like a game piece but I don't feel like it's active right now." "We need to figure out how to get out of here before Santa's Little Helper comes back or the Game Master, I thought the Game Master was good but I don't know why I was trapped and I don't know why Matt went missing." "Look at this thing right here, what is this?" "It's a cabinet."

I open the cabinet. "Matt!" "This is just like the other room." "These are the streamers, we saw streamers in that escape room we did earlier. It looks like a passageway." "No, it's just a closet Bec." "No, Matt look, what if this passageway leads back to the Game Master's master tunnel." "This is how we get out. Give us a thumbs up if you think this is the right way to go." "Have you ever seen The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when they go through a wardrobe closet? This is what it feels like." "We're escaping the Game Master's escape room, again." We go through the passageway. "Matt!" "What?"

Rebecca's POV
We enter a passageway. "Do you hear the bells? There's a shadow. Might be Santa's Little Helper, Matt." "Let's try to sneak up and spy on him." "Okay. Did you hear that? A door shut." We go into the room. "Santa's Little Helper might be over there."

Suddenly the door shuts and I check to see if the door is locked. "It's locked." "Okay we can't get out that way we have to go over here and let's try to figure out where Santa's Little Helper is." "A door did slam so maybe there's an out that way."

I go to the other side and see a room with a lot of doors. "It's just a bunch of doors." "Do you think Santa's Little Helper went into one of these doors?" "I don't know but they're all-" "let's see if any open." "This doesn't even have a knob." "This one just goes right back in the other room." "Is this some type of trap? Santa's Little Helper tried to trap us. They don't know that we escaped so we are one step ahead." "Maybe they don't know that we're in this room right now." "There's got to be something in this room that can get us into one of these doors."

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