Chapter 2: The Swordsman's New Job

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Alright, we are back and I think you all know the drill by now.

If not, then here ya go!

Bold is angry
Italics is whispering/writing
() is thoughts
Underlined is Dragons talking

And as always,
Y/N is Your Name


3rd POV...

It was the second day of school, and Y/N was driving to school, hoping to ask the Student Council about all the clubs in school so he knows what is around. You heard about the Kendo Club yesterday, and already decided to take a look at it. It also caused you to look up the kendo martial arts and it's predecessor, kenjutsu.

"Well, I guess after school will be a little busy. I wonder how well Rias took the news I told her yesterday."

Flashback to after Y/N fully introduced himself...

He bowed, "Well, now that I've fully answered your question, I will be going home now. See you tomorrow!"

He walked out of the twin doors, leaving Rias and Akeno there in shock. They could barely breathe after finding a descendant of the infamous Devil Sparda. There was no Devil from the Underworld who didn't know about Sparda and his power to fend off the demons for humanity.

Rias was pulled out of her shock when Koneko walked into the clubroom, "President? What's wrong?"

Rias looked at her rook, "I think we have just made an ally of a powerful Devil Angel Hybrid."

Koneko didn't show it, but she was surprised more than anything, "How? I thought it was impossible!"

Rias shook her head, and Akeno looked at Koneko, "I felt Holy Energy when I made skin contact with him. I didn't notice it earlier because of my own magic, but it was definitely more noticeable."

Koneko sat down on one of the couches, and started snacking, "So does that mean he is going to be part of our club?"

Rias was massaging her temples, "I don't know, but my only hope is that Sona doesn't notice him yet. I need to call my brother."

Moments later, Rias was able to get a hold of Sirzechs, who was swamped with paper work of reported strays gathering. But when Grayfia told Sirzechs that it was Rias calling, he abandoned it and went to answer.

Sirzechs answered quickly, "Hello my dear little sister! Is there something you need?"

Rias smiled at her childish brother, "Yes, it's about the new student that came to school yesterday."

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow, confused about this news, "Father never told me about this, tell me about them."

Rias sat down in her chair, picturing Y/N and describing him, "Tall boy, slicked back golden silver hair, blue eyes that could probably pierce through metal, and a smooth voice."

Sirzechs was silent for a moment, " for the golden part of his hair, he sounds like a friend of mine I made almost 20  years ago, you never met him. The man I'm thinking about is Vergil Redgrave. Someone who wielded a katana that could cut through the very fabric of space."

Rias then pressed further, "What did the katana look like?"

Sirzechs perfectly described it from his memory, making Rias lean back in her chair. There was a silence between the two of them, making Sirzechs worried.

"Rias, are you alright? What happened?"

Rias' hand was shaking, "I just saw that katana, in the hands of the boy I had just described. He also said that he was the grandson of the Great Devil Sparda."

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