Chapter 6: The Phenex Endgame

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Alright, lets get started!

() is thoughts,
Italics is whispering,
Bold is anger/rage or Author's Note
Underline is Dragons talking,
—This— is texting.



Time: Right after the events of the last chapter
3rd Person POV...

Issei was looking at the gauntlet he had on his left arm, "Woah, this is a Sacred Gear?"

Akeno nodded, "It is yours. So far the only only ones I know are important figures in history, so you're a pretty big deal right now."

Rias leaned forward, "It looks like you possess the Boosted Gear, one of the Thirteen Longinus, the gauntlet of the Red Dragon of Domination."

Issei smiled and was swinging his arm around without hitting anyone. Everyone was watching him with amusement. It was at that moment, Y/N got a buzz on his phone, from The Raven.

—There is a nun coming within the week. She contains a Sacred Gear and the new leader plans to extract it from her after getting her softened up to the area. Be careful handsome.—

Y/N smiled at The Raven's flirtations, —Well, I'll let the Devil Peerage that I'm hanging out with know. I'll be out of town for the next month starting tomorrow. You take care, little raven.—

He closed his phone and looked at Rias, "The Fallen stationed here is expecting a nun to come into town. Raven here tell me that the new leader of this Fallen Group plans to extract the Sacred Gear out of this nun."

Rias took the information, and was processing it, "Alright, we will wait to see what to do later. For now, Issei, we need to get you ready for your first job as a Devil."

"As much as that sounds fun, my host here needs to train," a voice loudly proclaimed, "I am surprised about how he awakened me immediately after he became a Devil."

Everyone looked around, but Rias and Y/N looked at Issei's arm, where the gem on his hand was glowing green, "It's an honor to meet you, Ddraig."

"Rias Gremory," Ddraig said, almost sounding surprised to hear her, "Are you my new host's master? I do hope you can train him as much as you can, so that way he is ready to face the White one."

Rias nodded, "Of course, I'll train him in any way I can."

Y/N spoke up, "I'll be back in a month, so I can train him as well."

Ddraig had sensed a familiar presence in Y/N, "You carry the Blood of Sparda. Are you a descendant?"

Y/N smiled, "He is my grandfather, and one I look up to, so I may surpass him."

Ddraig got a good laugh, "Well if you aim to surpass him, then I have high hopes for you. He was a powerful Devil for me to face before I was sealed in this Sacred Gear."

Y/N then stood up, "Well, I will see you all within a month. If you worry, then remember, I will return before the worst occurs."

The Peerage watched as he walked out the doors of the Clubroom, giving them a two fingered salute and smile on his face.

Timeskip 1 month...

During the month that Y/N had left with his two uncles, Rias and her Peerage had their eventful adventures. It was all in the same order as canon in the show, but Issei had gotten stronger, Raynare doesn't kill Asia but Kalawarner does, Rias revives Asia per her last dying breath. Since that day, Issei and Asia had grown close, catching the attention of a few people and the entire club.

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