Chapter 14: Slight Lemon🍋, More New Faces, and the Norse

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Okay I think I'm going to get the rest of the characters I want in here introduced finally.

So let's get this party started.


Y/N was slightly exhausted from the reports he's been getting. There was a Fallen and Devil Duo that were causing trouble around Kuoh. He hasn't met them yet, but they were just causing problems with the living conditions for the humans who lived there.

"I wonder how I can lure them out."

Y/N started to think, until an idea came up. He formed a hologram circle, and called for Yor. She quickly answered and appeared in the circle with Anya in her arms.

"Oh, hello my Lord."

Y/N smiled at her, "Yor, you are in my Peerage, please, there is no need to talk to me so formally."

Yor grew red faced with embarrassment, "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"Mama likes her master," Anya says out of nowhere.

Y/N only starts laughing, while Yor's face only grows more red, "W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"

Y/N only leans forward with an amused smile, "There's nothing wrong with it Anya. If she likes me a lot, then that is her decision. Anyways, Yor, I have a mission for you."

Yor's embarrassment instantly vanished at the mention of a mission for her, "Oh? What are we going to do?"

"Information. There are two individuals working together to make the civilian's lives rough in Kuoh, and I need to find out who. You are going undercover as a single mother and her child to find out who they are. Try and make as much trouble as you can to get them to come to you personally, and gather information on them. If they try to reason with you, then you can send them to those you work for, the Devil May Cry and I will be there to meet them."

She nods, "I will not let you down!"

Y/N smiles with his eyes closed, "Good! Then you just might get a good reward once you've finished."

Anya smiles with sparkles in her eyes, "More work for Mama! Anya waku waku! I see mister Y/N likes mama as well!"

Y/N chuckles at Anya, "You aren't wrong about that Anya. I might be falling for your mother as she is falling for me."

With that, Y/N closes the circle, and sits back in his chair. A few seconds later, he feels Grayfia's hands start massaging his shoulders. He closed his eyes with pleasure, loving the sensation he was feeling.

As she kept massaging his shoulders, she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, "You've been working hard lately. Why not take a break?"

"Our Lord has to make sure that the other pantheons agree to ally with the Norse as well, "Albedo said bringing in tea, "He has much more work that he deems worth his attention."

"But relaxing with a massage eases the tension I feel," Y/N says with a relaxed tone, "as does petting one of my girls on the head."

Albedo took this chance to fly over the desk and gently land in his lap, "Please, you may pet my head if you wish!"

He doesn't say anything but keeps his eyes closed, "Thank you Albedo."

She wraps one of his arms around her, and the other pets the back of her head. His conscience starts to fade and he takes a nap in his chair.

As soon as he started to sleep, Grayfia and Albedo used magic to teleport him to his room, once there, they both strip into their undergarments and sleep with him. With the rest of the Peerage taking the finished paperwork, they gave Y/N this night to relax and be with two of his women.

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