🖤♡💛Solangelo Sleepover 🖤♡💛

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/ I didn't edit this, I was very tried , I am sorry if it's bad:(


( this is before they started dating )

Will POV ( I have never been to sleepover, this may be inaccurate )

A few weeks ago I had found out that Nico Di Angelo had NEVER been to a sleepover, now that's messed up. Even before he found out that he was a son of HADES and all that.

I was not going to let him live without having at least ONE sleepover in his life.
Honestly, I had no idea what to do for sleepover. But i have a brain, I will just use it OBVIOUSLY.

After a few days of asking nico to have a sleepover, he FINALLY agreed. The conversation went like:

W: Nico *puppy eyes* plwease

N: *looks away *...no


N: *rolls eyes * fine... JUST THIS ONCE SOLACE .. And dont call me neeks!!!

W: YAY!! *Hugs nico *bye :]

Nice conversation, amiright?
Anyways, I had finally pulled up a bunch of supplies for the sleepover. We were having it in the Hades cabin since we did not want anyone to know of our sleepover, since nico  didn't want anyone to know about it.

I swing a medium size bag over my shoulder and pulled out a blanket and a pillow into my arms.

Nico and I had found a secret passage from [more like created but sure let's go with it ] the apollo cabin to the hades cabin which perfect for today as sneaked into the hades cabin.

"Hello neeks" I smile brightly.

" dont call me neeks.." nico mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sat dow on the bed slightly away from nico and places down all my stuff.

"Sooo... how does this 'sleepover' thing work? What are we supposed to do?" Nico asked

" well neeks I thought we could just watch some movies together and eat some snacks, sounds good?" I said.

Nico nodded as I pulled out a bunch of movies we could watch, " I didn't know what kind of movies you liked so kinda took everything" I chuckle.

" so we have horror uhm.. comedy and a lot of other things you probably dont wanna watch "

" ok... then let's watch horror, can I see the movies?" Nico asked as I handed him some of the films like the saw, The walking dead, the quiet place and lot of others [ these are great movies, yall should totally watch them :) ]

Nico picked out the quiet place as gave him a few snacks like pringles , a bunch of chips , chocolates.

" I thought you were the camp's healthcare system, how do you have so much junk food?" Nico giggled, as I awed and complimented him as he blushed scarlet. " who brings vegetables to a sleepover, that's messed okay. Plus even though MAY BE  camp's health system, even I don't do

Nico POV :] ( I just realised I kinda switched the POV at some point lmao )

Nico laughed a bit at will's response as he got into a comfy positionon his bed, the quiet place started to play.

Nico NEVER knew something could scare him so bad, and his a child of the underworld but somehow, will didnt even jump once at any of the scary points of the movie.

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