Hogwards Au (part 1?)

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I dont know a ton about Hogwarts but bear with me on this :)

Yes it's an au, dont ask questions :)

Will POV

I smiled at my mother one more time before stepping into the wall and disappearing.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled as I reappear in the station 9 3/4, Hogwarts Express. I heard a faint reply and a soft smile reappeared on my face again.

It was my third year in Hogwarts, I was gonna see my friends. Yes, I do love my home and parents and siblings but I have had a lot of fun at Hogwarts, and I am excited to see them again.

I did send them an owl every now and then though, just to keep them updated of they returned one.

I was in Hufflepuff and we had won last year's house cup which was absolutely fantastic!

I quickly got on the train and set my stuff down and noticed a small boy seated in the small compartment I was staying in as well.

He had black hair which the small lights in the packed compartment, he also had the darkest chocolate brown eyes which also looked like broken glass, as if one word could break him, also he was cute.

Huh!? What was that? Whatever...

I smiled warmly to him but he didn't return a smile and just stared at me blankly with no emotion on his face.

"Hey!" I said happily, trying to introduce myself "I am Will, you?" I asked as I raised my hand for a handshake.

"Nico" he said blankly as he reluctantly shook my hand. I was a bit shocked at how cold his hand was against my warm hand but... it was nice I guess.

"Can I sit here?" I asked, not trying to be rude as well. "...Yeah.. sure... whatever" he said not looking at me.

"I am back Neeks!" A beautiful girl came inside the small compartment as she noticed me, I was just sitting there with a smile I guess.

"Oh.. looks like my brother already made a friend!" She said gleefully "hello, I am hazel, Nico's half-sister" she smiled as I smiled back at her.

"Hello, I am Will" I said with a bright smile resting on my face as i shook her hand and noticed how she looked.

She had brown curly hair outlining her face and had low cheekbones and had a warm smile odd because her brother didn't smile once.

She had sparkling brown eyes which was pretty but I mean I liked nico's eyes a bit better. I mean I love the colour of chocolate!

I released her hand and sat back down as my ADHD acted up as always so like normal I fell asleep the whole ride to Hogwarts, after having a few conversations with hazel and a bit with nico.

Nico POV

some random guy named Weel? Will? Okay maybe it was just Will.

"Sooo.." hazel said after Will fell asleep on the other side of the small compartment, "hmmm?" I said making a noise to tell I was listening to her and not ignoring her or something.

"You like him?" She asked, I turned slightly red when she asked but tried to hide it and said " why don't you go check on your boyfriend Hazel"

"whatever you say neeks" she said as she left the compartment, making me feel a bit lonely but that was fine... yep!

Will was nice I suppose but he was so happy, it was slightly just slightly weird but it's fine.

He was bright and funny, Hazel and him just clicked I guess. I liked seeing Hazel happy so it made me a bit happy but not as happy as when.....

Let's not bring that up!

I felt tried so I rested my head against the window, not as comfortably but good enough. I dozed off to sleep, with hopefully no nightmares...


Short again, sorry I was rushing this.
But hope you enjoyed this weird Au.

If you want a part 2, it will deffo be longer :)

I don't remember where the original is from but the Original is alot better mine soo


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