♡•°•°Pride Parade with Solangelo•°•°♡

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I tried make this as fluff filled  as I could :]

Anyhoo continue reading :)


Nico POV
( i also have never been to a pride parade ,yeah sooo, this may be inaccurate :] )

I was in my cabin, sleeping like any normal human would do at 6 in the morning.

Unless well... your a child of Apollo.

Well, lucky me cause I just so happen to be dating a Child Of Apollo, Will solace,  he is the head of the Apollo cabin and the best medic in camp.

Anyway, like I was saying I was sleeping at 6:30 in the morning, like any normal person.

Until of course my 'wonderful boyfriend' just slammed the door open and let a ton of sunlight into the Hades cabin, and then closed the door again.

I was sleeping until I felt someone's lips on mine, I knew it was will less than a second into the kiss, so I immediately kissed back.

"Will!" I groaned as I broke kiss. "Nicoooo" will replied laughing," Maybe I should start waking you up like that"

"Nooooo" I moaned as I turned away from Will's way- tooo- happy- sunny- ass- at -6- in- the- dam- morning as I felt a small layer of silence fill the room as I closed my eyes peacefully, thinking Will would finally leave me alone.

Oh boy was I wrong.

I heard footsteps as they stopped infront of me but i was soo close to sleeping again that I ignored them.

I felt Will bite my neck as my eyes snapped open as i looked at "Ah- Will!" I moaned as Will continueed biting my neck, results in a few bruises,00 which I have to hide obviously.

I felt will continue to suck in my skin as I tried to stay as quiet as possible, until Will sucked on a certain area on my neck making me let out a loud moan.

Will continued that until he was done and took his face out of my neck and looked me in the eyes, by now he had climbed on top of me now.

I closed the gap between our lips as we kissed. Will bite my bottom lip asking for entrance which I hesitantly allowed and opened my mouth as Will tongue came  clashing into my mouth as I let out a few small noises and moans.

Until I heard a bang on my door I immediately broke out of my trance and so did will as we broke the kiss, a string of saliva going from my mouth to his. The door to my cabin opened before I could do anything and with will on top of me.

"Well this was a pleasant surprise" I heard percy laugh as he leaned against my cabin door staring at both of us as both of our faces flushed a bright red, his face was also quite red to have seen us like... well that.

Mine was sadly more obvious because of my annoyingly pale skin. Percy began laughing as will got off of me. As I got out of bed and told Percy to get out, surprisingly he listened.

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