••°•The Invitation(Pt. 1)•°••

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Thank you for the request @my_alt_account

Enjoy ♡

Will's POV

"Will!" She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yes, love?" I said smilling as i placed my hands on top of her hips near her waist. "Remember, we have a date tonight!" She said happily, kissing my cheek, lovingly.

"Yes I'll remember, love" i said kissing her forehead, walking to my room. Yes, we lived together but that does not mean we slept together.

I sat on my bed getting comfortable as i heard a ring from beside me.i looked over to my phone which was sitting on the nightstand next to my bed.

I quickly grabbed it and looked at the ID, of who was calling.

Nico di angelo.

"Hey Neeks!" I said happily as i heard a small reply of "uh.. hi will," he said as i placed my phone against ear. "So why did ya call?" I asked as i looked up at the ceiling, which was white with a spinning fan which was grey.

"Uh... oh yeah!" He said as he, probably, remembered something "oh soo.. can you come to percy's party with, please i need plus one!" He said quickly as he left out a breath as i stayed silent.

"Will...?" He askes.

"Of course, I'll go with you as your plus one, you idiot" i chuckle as i hear a sigh coming from the other side," so, when is it?" I asked.

"In two days...." he says quietly as i glance to the date. 23 June 2022, "so one 25th June, right?" I asked. "Yeah" he said softly as i looked at the time l, 7.11pm! Crap!

I have to get ready, i quickly got out of my bed and ran over to my closet and change into a tuxedo, shockingly quick.

I made my way downstairs, with my phone in my pocket, about five minutes later a beautiful girl walked into the room.

She was wearing a red dress, which hugged her torso, she had her hair blonde down and had curls at the bottom of it, she had a small sliver necklace hanging from her neck and ended with a heart, she had been wearing alot of makeup, with bright red lips and eyeliner, which was quite obvious.

To say it simply, she had definitely caked her face in a ton makeup. She looked stunning and beautiful, as well.

I smiled warmly at her as she smiled back as i wrapped my arms around waist as i walked us out of our house.

"You look beautiful.." i say smiling at her but something felt off. She smiled as she replied "you look so very handsome, Will" she smiled as I opened the car door for her as i made my way to tye driver's seat.

She muttered something under her breath which i didn't catch.

"Let's go, shall we?" I said as i glanced over to her as she smiled "of course" she said as she looked out the window when her phone buzzed as she jumped, slightly, from her seat, as she smiled as she looked down at her, making sure i wasn't able to see her screen, i supposed.

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