Naomi Solace [ Solangelo obviously ]

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Ok I am sorry, I am running out of ideas, no one is giving any 😔

Anyways continue reading :]

Naomi's POV

I sat in the living room waiting for my son to come home, it had been a year since I had seen him as he had been going to med school. He told me he was going to bring a special guest, it would be wonderful if he finally found a girlfriend....or maybe a boyfriend, I wouldn't mind!


That was the door, snapping me out of my thoughts, I cant wait to see will!

I jump off the sofa I was sitting on and make my way to the door ", Will! How have you been?" I ask him as I open the door seeing will as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Great ma! Can I come in?" He asks, " of course" I say as I step aside and see a pale boy, who had obsidian black eyes with a skull ring that he kept on fiddling with as he eyed will and looked back at his ring.

"Will, who is your friend here?" I ask.

"That's Nico, my..." he looks at nico then at me as the boy nods as if allowing will to say something.

" my Boyfriend." Will finishes.I give out a bright smile as I walk over to nico and hug him tightly, nico's face is slightly pink as I say " awww your boyfriend is soo cute will!!! take good Care of my son, nico"as I release the boy as the guide  the two into the living room.

They share the loveseat as I sit on an armchair and rest my arms sitting up straight as will asks " where is my step- dad ma , you said I could see him today"

I smile thinking about my lover, Noah. We had been dating for a few years until he asked me to marry him a few years ago, will was 3 when we had his other step- brother, Asher , they never got along, sadly.

The door rang again as I excused myself, at the door I see Noah as I hug him, I see Asher behind him and give him a small hug as they come into the house.

"Hi Noah!" Will smiles gently as Noah takes notice of him and smiles back and greets Will nicely, another reason why I loved him. He loved my son like his own.

As will's stepbrother noticed will he glares at him but does not glare instead looks back at nico as his eyes light up and he starts talking to nico, I smile.

Asher POV

I saw will with a boy who had chocolate eyes and a small ghost of a smile as he talked to will and had gorgeous features on his pretty pale face. He looked sooo cute! How did will get a boy like HIM???

I look at the boy and will, with hatred towards will, I will NEVER get along with Will since he was such a perfect child but was never at home, my parents always talked about him nicely. He was NEVER even home, why did they even like him sooo much???

Anyways, I will have to get my hands on that boy ( AKA NICO!!)  if that is the last thing I do today.

I sit on the loveseat in the edge as I eye the duo, will was talking to nico as nico talked to will with his eyes lighting IP and looked super happy to talk to will, but that will not last forever.

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