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The sharp ringing of an alarm clock startled Wildberry out of his sleep. He groaned shutting the alarm off and rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he got out from under his white covers. He was about to get into his armor when he remembered that he wouldn't be guarding Hollyberry today, a shiver going up his spine just thinking about how weird it'd be. What am I supposed to even wear for occasions like this? He thought, rubbing his head slightly. "I could always ask Hollyberry, she seems to know what to do for situations like this." He muttered to himself, and by situations like this he means actually socializing. Sitting on his bed he contemplated on how he should go about asking Hollyberry for help before hearing his bedroom door get swung open.
"Are you ready for your fun day out!" Hollyberry spoke as she stepped into his room, wow what perfect timing.
"I'm not sure how to even prepare." Wildberry admitted, looking up at Hollyberry.
"Hmmmm, well first you need a suitable outfit, you can't just go in your pj's!" Hollyberry laughed, searching through his clothes. "Here, these look nice!" She said, tossing a dark red shirt and white pants with red stitching lining some parts of it towards him.
"Thanks." He said, grabbing them and heading off towards his room's bathroom. Getting dressed he examined himself in the mirror, brushing his hair and fixing his clothes up. Stepping out of the bathroom he looked over at Hollyberry.
"We should also get your hair done!" She cheerfully suggested, to which Wildberry declined, several times.
He was about to thank Hollyberry for helping him out before he remembered it was kind of her fault that he was even in this situation, not that he was mad about it, it was just something he wasn't used to. Hollyberry looked over to his clock, checking the time. "Well you still have some hours before 12 so why not get some breakfast and maybe a drink of berry juice!" She exclaimed, eyes closed in a wide smile.
"Breakfast would be fine, but I wouldn't like to have any berry juice with it. I also think you shouldn't be drinking this early." Wildberry scolded her slightly, heading over to his bedroom door and opening it, allowing Hollyberry out before following her towards the dining room.
The servants brang out some eggs and pancakes, and of course some berry juice for Hollyberry, leaving a glass of water for Wildberry. He made sure to thank them, eating his food and looking over to Hollyberry who was eating her food while also chugging her berry juice. He just shook his head slightly, finishing his food and taking his plate over to the kitchen to wash it. Walking out of the kitchen Wildberry saw that Hollyberry had finished her food, but she had asked for another glass of berry juice. He would've scolded her about how she had to act more responsible and not drink in the morning but decided against it because it would most likely get him no where. Not knowing what to do while he waited he decided to read, setting a timer so he knew when to stop reading.

Time skip cuz I'm not writing him reading a book for hours

Wildberry stood near the entrance of the castle, occasionally looking over to Hollyberry. The pit in his stomach grew, why am I so nervous about this? His attention was brought back by the sound of knocking. The door was opened by Hollyberry who greeted Clotted Cream. He was wearing a white button down shirt and his pants were the same kind as the ones he had on yesterday.
"I do hope you're ready for what I hope will be a nice day." He spoke to Wildberry, who nodded.
"Have fun you two, I'll be heading off to go to Pure Vanilla's kingdom!" Hollyberry said, waving to the other two cookies who waved back.
"Well, let's be on our way." Clotted Cream spoke out, already walking, tilting his head to look over his shoulder at Wildberry who followed after him. "Like I said yesterday, I'll be taking you to one of the finest cafes I know, as a way to thank you." Wildberry nodded, his walking speed matching that of Clotted Cream's stride. "I do hope you don't mind having to walk, the cafe is quite far from here." Clotted Cream nervously laughed.
"Not at all." Wildberry replied. The only sound for some time was the tapping of their shoes against the polished streets of the kingdom.
"Hm, you seem to be the silent type." Clotted Cream spoke out after what seemed like too much silence in their walking, looking towards the Hollyberian. Wildberry just nodded. "Is there a reason for that, not to be nosey or anything, if you don't want to share that's fine by me." Wildberry thought on whether he should answer or not.
"I just didn't talk much as a kid so I guess it stuck with me, besides, I don't have much of a reason to talk." Wildberry answered, keeping his gaze ahead of him.
"Mm, interesting." Clotted Cream said, his voice barely above a whisper tone as he looked back ahead of them. "Ah, here we are!" They stopped in front of a small cafe, a sign hanging above the door reading "Dulce Casu". The small bell on the door rung as the two cookies stepped inside, Clotted Cream leading Wildberry to a table. The chairs were wooden with a soft plush seating, taking a look around the cafe had a nice atmosphere to it. The sun was shining through the window, helping light up the cafe and some plants were placed in the windowsills.
A server approached the two, holding some menus and placing them on the table with a kind smile before rushing over to another table.
"Order whatever you'd like." Clotted Cream spoke, his menu folded close. Wildberry took a look at the menu, he didn't want to order something that cost too much so he went with the cheapest item, the jampie with customizable toppings. The server who gave them their menus came back holding a notepad and pen.
"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked them kindly, clicking the pen and getting ready to write down their orders.
"I'll have the usual, Herb." Clotted Cream said, watching as Herb wrote down the order on the notepad.
"I'll have the jampie with some strawberry syrup drizzling, please." Wildberry spoke.
"Would you like anything else?" Herb asked. They both shook their heads no. "Ok, you'll get your orders soon!" Herb spoke as he headed over to the back, probably where the kitchen would be.
"Oh drats, I should've asked if they had any berry juice for you." Clotted Cream closed his eyes as he placed a hand on his head.
"Oh, it's fine, I'm not a fan of berry juice." Wildberry said, feeling bad for making the other worry.
"Oh really, that's a first. I've always heard how Hollyberians love berry juice!" Clotted Cream chuckled, calming down. "So, what's it like to be Hollyberry's guard?" He asked, trying to start small talk.
Wildberry shrugged, not sure of what to say. "Oh c'mon, there must be something interesting that happened, maybe seeing her in action or perhaps saving her." Clotted Cream said, tilting his head slightly at the other.
"Well it's sometimes not that eventful, usually if someone gets mad at Hollyberry and threatens her I try to talk them out of it and calm them down, I'm not someone who resorts to violence as an answer to a problem." Wildberry spoke, his voice still showing no emotion.
"Well that seems like a nice way to solve something, instead of making you or Hollyberry look bad you instead think of a way to solve something peacefully." Clotted Cream spoke while tracing a finger on the wood of the table. Wildberry nodded, noticing Herb approaching them with their orders.
"Here you go!" Herb said, placing the plates down on the tables before going to water the different plants.
"Oh, would you look at that, we both ordered the same thing, except with different toppings." Clotted Cream said, directing his attention to the food on the plates in front of them. "Well, I do hope you enjoy your jampie." He spoke, to which Wildberry nodded.

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