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A.N: sorry for not updating in a while, hopefully I'll update more since it's summer break now

Wildberry gave a nod, heading towards the doors. "So I heard about the whole Dark Enchantress thing." Clotted Cream said, following Wildberry out of the library.
"Yeah," Wildberry muttered, he didn't really know what to say, he still felt worried over seeing Hollyberry acting upset and the pit in his stomach only grew. "I'm planning on training so I'm ready for this whole thing."
"Makes sense, I'm thinking of a way to help you and this kingdom get past this, mainly trying to figure out what Dark Enchantress' plans may be." Clotted Cream brought a hand to his chin. "Of course we all know her main intentions, take Hollyberry's soul jam, but why is she wasting her army and sending only a little at a time?" He questioned, looking towards the ground in thought, brows furrowed slightly.
"Yeah, but I guess it makes this easier for us." Wildberry spoke, continuing his walk back to the castle, hoping that Hollyberry was feeling better.
"Yes, but why would she make it this easy." At this Wildberry shrugged, walking through the crowds of cookies with Clotted Cream following. "Though I feel like there may be a reason as to why Dark Enchantress is just sending three or four cake monsters and beasts at a time, I think it gives us more time to prepare for the real attack, if that ever comes." Clotted Cream said, still keeping pace with the Hollyberian who just nodded in reply.
"So, how has your research gone." Wildberry asked, remembering watching as Clotted Cream had struggled to carry all of the books he had for whatever his research was about. Clotted Cream placed a hand on his chin in thought, the events of the meeting coming to him.
"I think it's best if we keep this from the public," Pure Vanilla spoke, talking about Dark Enchantress' true identity. "I'd rather not have anyone hate her when we're able to return her to White Lily, it would make things worse." The others nodded in silent agreement, the thoughts of somehow more fights breaking out and White Lily being in danger brought shivers to the Ancients spines.
"Then we will keep this discovery a secret." Dark Cacao spoke, turning to look at Clotted Cream with a hint of distrust in his eyes. "And if you dare speak of it to anyone I will be sure to not stop at just a sword to your neck." Clotted Cream nodded.
"I wouldn't dare tell a soul, I know the consequences of what may happen, not just to me but to the entirety of Earthbread."
"Good." Dark Cacao said, looking away from the Council Member to the other Ancients.
"No, I haven't discovered anything new yet." Clotted Cream answered Wildberry's question, who lifted a brow and then shook his head a little.
"Well hopefully you're able to find something soon, but how come you returned the books you were using for research?" He asked, watching as Clotted Cream's face showed a bit of surprise before he quickly gave a smile.
"Sadly those books didn't have the information I was looking for." Clotted Cream answered. "And it seems like we're at your stop." He spoke, stopping Wildberry from asking anymore questions as they arrived to the opening of the castle gates.
"Oh, it seems we are." Wildberry said as he looked at the gates before looking back at Clotted Cream who was now starting to walk away. He still had questions to ask the Council Member since he felt as though he wasn't receiving the whole truth. "Hey," he said, grabbing Clotted Cream's attention. "There's a firework show tonight, I wanted to know if you'd like to watch them with me." He asked, a look of surprise made it's way to Clotted Cream's face before it was replaced with a small smile.
"My my, now it's you asking to spend time with me, well it'd be rude to decline so sure, I guess I'll be meeting you here?"
"Yeah, how about at seven, that's some minutes before it starts."
"Sure." Clotted Cream gave a small chuckle, walking away from the Hollyberian as his shoes made small clicks against the pavement of the streets. Wildberry stood there before heading inside the castle. To his relief Hollyberry seemed to be back to her normal cheerful self, making plans on how they'd be able to stop Dark Enchantress' attacks, a determined smile on her face. Wildberry smiled at this, glad no one was paying attention to him to realize he was actually smiling. Giving a small sigh of relief he walked into the room Hollyberry was in, the sound of his boots against the tiled floor caught her attention as she looked over at him.
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Wildberry said to her.
"Yes, I just needed time to register this situation, but this kingdom needs a strong leader, not one who's going to mope around!" She laughed out, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm currently thinking of a battle strategy we can do, we may need to practice multiple ones because we have no idea what Dark Enchantress is going to pull." Hollyberry frowned slightly. "We may have to start moving everyone out of the kingdom after tomorrow, I'd rather not have the kingdom get surrounded and citizens getting trapped inside." Wildberry nodded, grimacing at the thought of all the casualties they'd have.
"Is everything nearly set up for the citizens to get out safely?" He asked.
"We're currently working on that, the Vanilla and Cacao kingdom are sending over things to help with that as soon as they can, and we're getting the help of Gingerbrave and his friends." She answered, smiling again. "Hopefully with the help of them we can beat Dark Enchantress again, hopefully for good." Her smile wavered as she stared down at the white polished tiles before looking back at Wildberry. "Well kiddo, I suggest getting some sleep, today has been a long day and we need everyone prepared." She said, ruffling his hair as he tried to protest, saying he wasn't a kid anymore.
"Fine, but don't stay up too late yourself." He said, standing in the door way and looking back at Hollyberry who gave a small laugh.
"I assure you, I won't." She said, giving a small wave as Wildberry walked off to his room.

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