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Hollyberry yawned as she walked through the hallways, heading to the kitchen to get some berry juice when the sound of distant talking and laughing was heard. She went to where the noise was coming from, looking into the room to see Wildberry and Clotted Cream chatting. She smiled, she was glad Wildberry was speaking and having a genuine conversation with someone, it reminded her of when he was little. She decided to not interrupt them, stepping away from the door and continuing to walk to the kitchen. In a few days, maybe even tomorrow, the carriages would come to evacuate the civilians from the kingdom, she'd have to hope that there would be enough to get everyone out in one trip, and that there would be enough soldiers to help fend off Dark Enchantress' army. Her fist clenched some as she thought back to the meeting where Dark Enchantress' real identity had been revealed. "White Lily, I promise you I will find a way to bring you back." She muttered to herself, maybe they'll find a way to soon, hopefully.
The two cookies continued their chat, unaware of Hollyberry who had left to work on plans on evacuating the kingdom.
"So, if this is your first time in the kingdom, I'm guessing, how did you know about that cafe?" Wildberry questioned.
"Ah, the elders told me about it before, they even took me there some days before the meeting." He answered, looking down for a bit before looking back at the Hollyberian. "How come you don't like berry juice? Not to be rude or anything but it seems like all the Hollyberians enjoy it?" Clotted Cream asked, tilting his head a bit.
"I just don't like those types of drinks, I don't like how reckless they can make you, besides I need to be on my guard for Hollyberry." Wildberry said, Clotted Cream nodding.
"You care for her a lot." He spoke in a hushed tone, giving the other a small smile.
"Of course I would, she did take care of me." Wildberry smiled warmly, memories of his childhood with Hollyberry coming and passing by. "Speaking of Hollyberry I feel bad, she's quite stressed by the chances of Dark Enchantress attacking her kingdom and I can't do anything about it." Wildberry looked to the doorway looking to a pink stained glass window, the sun filtering through it shining light pink dim rays onto the velvet carpet. Clotted Cream had a solemn look on his face, looking towards the window as well before looking back at Wildberry. Flinching, the Hollyberian looked at the Consul in surprise, feeling two hands be placed onto one of his.
"I'm sure it'll be ok, I mean Hollyberry has you to protect her in case of anything bad." Clotted Cream smiled comfortingly at him, still lightly holding his hand.
"Do you really think so?" Wildberry spoke, still shocked.
"Of course." Clotted Cream said, a slight blush coming to Wildberry's face at the compliments before he gave a small smile back.
They both sat there for a bit, looking at each other in the warm light coming through the windows, a small breeze entering the room through an open window. "Well I think I overstayed my welcome." Clotted Cream broke their staring as he stood up, adjusting his outfit slightly. "Besides, I wouldn't want to keep you from your duty, why don't we meet tomorrow, perhaps when the carriages come." Wildberry only nodded, standing up too as he walked with the Consul towards the door, saying a goodbye. He stared at the closed door for a bit before turning and searching the halls for Hollyberry, finding her handing a rolled up paper to a blueberry bird as it flew out the window to deliver it.
"Good to see you Wildberry, I'm guessing you're getting along quite well with Clotted Cream!" Hollyberry said, looking at Wildberry who gave her a nod.
"He's fun to talk to." Wildberry said as Hollyberry left the room.
"How about we go and get some berry juice!" She said, walking down the hall, Wildberry following close behind.
"How much have you drunk today?"
"Not that much! Only a couple cups!" She looked back at Wildberry who was giving her a displeased face. She simply waved it off and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing a cup of berry juice and taking a seat.
"So, is there any news about the possible attack?" Wildberry asked.
"Not much, all we know is that the attacks seem to have stopped, that means Dark Enchantress could be building up her army, but we'll be building up ours too!" Hollyberry said confidently, taking a drink from her cup.
"So will the carriages be coming to pick up the citizens tomorrow?"
"More than likely, rather sooner than later I say." Hollyberry answered, swirling her cup around and looking into it. Wildberry just gave a small hum. If things go as planned all the citizens will be evacuated and be staying at Gingerbrave's kingdom while the trained guards will stay to protect the kingdom, along with Hollyberry. There's no chance that Dark Enchantress herself will be there to fight because she's still healing from the battle against Gingerbrave and his friends which means that the fight shouldn't be extremely hard, but it's still good to prepare. Today Wildberry decided that he'd spend the day training, he'd have to be ready to protect both the kingdom and Hollyberry from major damage.

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