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A.N: I hope it doesn't bother any of you guys but I like to think that Hollyberry kind of adopted Wildberry. This isn't something canon I think though there is a picture where Hollyberry is standing next to a younger Wildberry I think.

Wildberry sat up quickly, waking up from a nightmare he couldn't even remember. One of the first things he noticed is that his armor was removed, looking down he could see bandages wrapping around his shoulder and arm. The guard grit his teeth as he felt a burning sensation come from the injury. He was surprised to find himself in one of the castle's beds, someone even went out of their way to tuck him in after they took care of his wounds. He slowly got up from the bed, wincing whenever his arm would move or brush against something.
He sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating if he should leave the room or not. He decided it'd be smarter to stay in the room, he didn't know bad his injuries were or if they needed to be treated soon. Wildberry looked towards the window, the pinkish red curtains lightly moving with the breeze that came through. He slowly walked over to it, opening the curtains gently as he looked through the open window. The sky was slowly lightening up, a slight drizzle of rain falling onto the pavement of the kingdom.
All of the jam and frosting of yesterday's fight was being washed away by the rain, most of it gone already. It made him sick to his stomach, to know that his comrades had died and he was so close to joining them. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Now wasn't the time to fret over this, he knew that more armies would come and join them and that there would be no chance of Dark Enchantress winning. He opened his eyes, his face staying neutral as he continued to look out the window.
Maybe he could just pretend this war didn't exist. Suddenly the door opened, Wildberry turned to see what seemed to be a healer shuffling into the room. The moment they saw him standing there they rushed over to him, lightly grabbing onto his arm to lead him back to the bed. "Oh I didn't know you would wake up this quickly, please stay in the bed for now. I'll go get Hollyberry." The healer said, not waiting for a response as they left the room after Wildberry laid back down.
He was confused but decided to do as the healer said as he continued to lay there, staring at the door. Soon enough, Hollyberry quickly came through the door, rushing up to Wildberry's side.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at him with worry.
"I'm feeling quite alright, my arm just hurts whenever I move it." Wildberry answered, his expression staying neutral.
"That's excellent, I see the healing worked." Hollyberry smiled, lightly patting Wildberry on the head, fearing that she could hurt him.
Wildberry understood this as he looked down at the sheets of the bed. "You know it's not your fault that you were hurt," Wildberry looked back up at Hollyberry as she said this. By now the healer had left to give them some space. "When I saw you bleeding on the ground I was scared I'd lose you." Hollyberry laughed a bit, though it held grief as she kept her gaze lowered. Wildberry opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. "You and Princess are very much alike. I'm glad she is out journeying with Knight because I know she would stay to fight if she was here. You both don't usually listen, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but you won't stop at nothing. Even if it gets you hurt." Hollyberry closed her eyes, as Wildberry stared at her.
He understood what she meant, that he'd go out of his way to protect this kingdom, more importantly Hollyberry. "Look, please don't push yourself too much, I'd rather not have my son die in this war." She opened her eyes, now looking at Wildberry who now only nodded. Hollyberry stood up, breaking the silence with an awkward laugh. "Well I guess I should let you rest. Remember to not get out of bed unless you need to, your wounds need more time to heal." Hollyberry smiled at Wildberry, back at her usual self.
"Of course." Wildberry answered, watching as Hollyberry left the room and closed the door, leaving Wildberry alone. He let out a sigh as his attention turned back to the still open window. The rain had stopped by now, the sun beating down and slowly drying the pavement outside. It must've rained all night, at least it's good for the plants. He rested his head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
There was pretty much nothing he could do while his arm healed. He wondered what the injury would look like, hoping it wouldn't look too bad. Soon he heard the door creak open, bringing his attention to the same healer that entered before. They slowly came in, looking at Wildberry as they walked over to the bed with a staff.
"I'll have to do a healing spell on you, it won't hurt at all and it should help with the pain in your shoulder." They said this as they slowly began to move the staff around, a light golden glow emitting from it.
Soon the light went to where Wildberry's injuries were and immediately Wildberry could feel the difference. His arm didn't feel as sore as it was before and he could now slightly move it. "I apologize, that is the most of what I can do right now. Though you should be ready to go sometime tomorrow with how quickly it's healing." The healer said, leaning on their staff slightly. "Oh, I nearly forgot. I'm guessing you're feeling bored having to sit here all day so I brought this book with me that I found. It's not much but it should help with passing the time." Wildberry gently took the book with his good arm, looking back up as the healer turned to leave.
"Thank you," Wildberry spoke, causing the healer to turn slightly. "For the healing and the book." The healer gave him a small smile.
"You don't have to thank me, it's what us healers do." They replied, turning after a bit and leaving. Wildberry turned his attention to the book he was holding, it seemed to be a story about a cookie venturing through the dangerous forest searching for something. Though this wasn't the type of the book he'd typically read, he couldn't lie about it not catching his interest.
With this he opened the book to the first page and began reading as the sun rose higher into the sky.

A.N: Didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.

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