Chapter 13:Healing + important note

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So, I'm discontinuing this story as I have lost motivation on writing it. I am planning on writing a canon story of my multiverse, Corruptverse. I also have other stories in mind and this one, like I mentioned, lost motivation for. Sorry to the ones who liked this story. Maybe if I have more ideas and motivation for this, I might add more but as of now, I don't have much for this. I hope you enjoy this unedited and unfinished chapter that I have written of this story.


This chapter mentions drugs and drug use. Just a little heads up before the chapter starts.


The Oreo colored cladded skeleton held his breath as the prince was helping cleaning his wounds. "I'm so sorry this hurts but I can't use my magic," the prince softly told him. "I know," the black and white skeleton quietly whimpered.

Soon, the prince finished as he carefully wrapped Cross's leg. "It's over now, you can relax after this or take a breath of fresh air with someone," he softly told him. "I might get some air with Dust, Horror, or Red," Cross quietly told him. "I think I need some fresh air from being in here for the past couple days." "I understand that, want a snack while you go out?" "I think I'll be alright, thank you though." "Of course."

They parted ways as Cross and Dust walked out of the palace and walked toward the ocean. They were pretty silent with one another as they walked. They only seemed to enjoy one another's company, even if they aren't speaking.

Soon, they got to the cliff edge to the ocean. The two of them sat at the edge, watching the waves of the ocean pass and crash on the cliff's side.

"I know a lot of shit happened with Nightmare, Horror told me," Dust carefully told him with a gentle gaze at him. "I'm so sorry he did that to you and Error. Neither of you deserve that kind of treatment." Cross was silent as he looked at him with a slight tired gaze. "Oh," he quietly said. "There isn't much I can do besides just dealing with the stress and trauma from it. I wouldn't be surprised if I get some mental problems of sorts from it."

"Let's just hope the better of this situation," the hooded skeleton gently said with a small and short sigh. The black and white skeleton was silent for a few seconds before he quietly agreed.


"No! Stop! I don't want it!" A loud and deep voice yelled as it echoed through the long and dark hallways. "Aww come on. You never throw a fit for this stuff honey," a soft and light voice said, a tone of lust with it as well.

"Well take the damn serum!" The king yelled at him. "It's fucked me up worse than I could have imagined! You fucking manipulated me!" "I wasn't the one doing the manipulating darling," the painter said with a small grin. "You know full and well that it was XGaster hun."

"Stop fucking talking to me like that! We aren't even together!" The king grumbled, he still seemed very pissed. The painter chuckled before he kissed him on the cheek. "I see why not at this point." The artist gently said. "How about we be a couple and fight like one." There was a little more lust within the last sentence the artist spoke.

The king suddenly slapped the painter with his tendrils as he tightly wrapped them around him. "Fuck no!" He yelled. "There's no way in hell I would be with someone as stupid, ignorant, and just playingly gay at this fucking point."

The painter let out a chuckle before he managed to say, "Gay my ass! And besides, you practically fucked Error and Cross, they're guys. So, techinally, your gay." "Fuck you dumb ass bitch," the king grumbled, slamming the painter onto the floor.

There was a loud crack as Ink's skull cracked. Ink yipped as he felt his skull before he let out a chuckle. "Getting pissy I see," he chuckled out. "Take the serum and it'll calm ya down." He handed him the serum.

Nightmare grabbed it and looked at it. It's syrup like consistency and vibrant red color it showed, it made Nightmare slightly snarl. "It won't help anything and you know that," he grumbled.

Ink slowly stood up as he said, with a slight excited tone, "It works just like cocanie does!" Nightmare sighed as he shook his head. "You seriously take drugs?" He asked, glancing at Ink with a really gaze. "Yeah! It helps me feel stuff!" "Of course it does," he grumbled, putting his hand on his frontal with a sigh.


The prince let out a soft hum as he rested his arms on the balcony, looking out a the town he ruled. "How's it going?" The hat and hooded skeleton gently said, standing by him. "It's going alright, just stressed," the prince gently sighed.

Dance gently nodded before he said, "I know this might sound silly, but wanna dance? Might help calm your nerves." Dream gently looked at him with a soft smile growing on his face. "That sounds nice, thank you." "Of course,"


The king thrashed around as he tried pushing the painter away. He truly didn't want to take the serum and yet, he was being forced to. He felt it trickle down his throat as he tried not swallowing it.

Eventually, the little vial that once had the serum was now empty.

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